If you explore and find the Focus Stone you can turn that on in the closet and that should help a bit. If you find the Secret Ingredient and use energy potions in battle that could also help
I also find it funny the only two characters that have names are characters who are barely seen. Those being Mitch, the Seagull and Chompo, the dinosaur plush. One last thing I loved a lot was the addition of the white crystal. That is going to be helpful for any magician. Which reminds me of an idea I had where during halloween you can go trick or treating with other characters. For example you could go out as Kamek with the turtle alchemist which would be an awesome pair. It could also be nice if the outfit gave you higher magic stats much like the hat but decreasing strength's effect by a ton. In compensation it could also increase your arousal ceiling.
I noticed a few odd context errors. First off there isn't a change in dialogue for the description of the pier. Since it says that it is sunny out but clearly the moon is out. I'll see if I can find other errors like this and report them to you. Also, before I forget, when you go to bed in your apartment after viewing the threesome with the Shark and the Bat instead of you sleeping in like before you actually have to go to bed in your apartment despite it saying you're sleeping over at theirs.
So far those are the only major errors I can find.
I love the amount of work that went into the pirate's scenes. Now to wait another month and play with the rogue in a seemingly bigger update and hey! It seems to be just in time for the spooks!
So next update is dropping tomorrow! I hope that there are a few more things implemented aside from just the Pirate scene but I won't be too upset since games take a while to work on.
Oh! Just thought of something interesting. Since you're living in the cursed forest when you're so big, perhaps it would be possible that you could get jumped by one of the characters while sleeping in the forest? That could be interesting...
Surprisingly, I assume you haven't gotten to dreams yet. Perhaps this can be another way to guide you along the path of characters and giving you hints on what to do with them. For example, you could have a dream of impressing the Dinosaur Knight while he's working in the gym to give you a hint on progressing with him.
It also may be possible to even have dreams of characters you haven't even encountered yet. Possibly giving us teasers of later characters. But let's not get too out of scope that it ruins the quality of the game!
In any case I hope we can not only have some fun with these characters but also learn more about them. Actually I have a list of characters in the order I find them interesting. But it might be a bit long to put in one post.
Sorry if my enthusiasm is a little jarring. It's just I am excited and want to see this game grow. Though I do not want to be overwhelming you with expectations. My only expectations are fun!
I can't wait for the next update. Perhaps we'll learn a little more about the pirates. I can't wait! But it's only 8 days from now. So it gives me something to look forward to!
Hello, I have a problem. My saves haven't been working lately. I use my phone's browser version of the game, and it won't let me load the saves. Hopefully it gets fixed soon :3
You know, I'm starting to realize that the Pirates might have a connection to the Trans Tech company. Since the pirate crocodile seems to have negative reactions when you say you're a CEO. But if he was a part of Trans Tech why didn't he want it? Even then I do wanna know more about the characters and have fun with them.
Even though rewriting scenes might be a struggle if you're using different clothes if and/or when they get implemented. Been thinking about how it would change character reactions. Just imagining the Dinosaur Swordman being flustered if you come equipped with a Latex outfit or something seems like it would be a neat touch.
Though then there comes the obvious issue of size. Well, if you eventually outgrow normal sizes then you can just have the Kobold or the Serpent enchant them.
Still, I'm just speculating on what could be. That doesn't mean you have to implement it now. This can be nice further down the road for more variety to scenes. Especially perhaps getting to a point where characters trust you enough to try on other outfits.
In any case, hope that this game continues to provide a fun experience to those who want it!
There is a character that has a connection to the TransTech company but it's none of the pirates and it won't be for a long time until that gets revealed
Well one of the hardest pieces of evidence is the fact that after clearing the debt you go to the pirate beach. Which the loan itself is from Trans Tech. Either we paid the pirates for that loan or it's something else entirely.
I do hope the next update might have some clothing, or at least test clothing to make sure it works. Most likely the one of the updates later. But yeah I cannot wait for the next update and hope it has the polish the prior updates have had.
If you spend time reading it in the closet something should happen. If you have failed a pact at the temple then there will be something you can do after that
When do you think you'll put the rival on the bucket list of things to do? Since the rival is kind of just there and doesn't feel like a challenge after you get strong enough. Then again it's one of the few enemies that doesn't have a mechanic to grow stronger depending on how well you do. It actually grows weaker every time you win.
I'm excited to eventually get scenes with the Captain and the Admiral. Cause I already like these two the moment I saw them. It makes me wonder what the Curse Kastle king is going to be like.
There will be a couple of new enemies coming out in the next few updates, but I think soon after that I'll be working on the Debt and Competition curses so the rival will be done then
I see. I must have been using the "back" feature too much and not exhausting the options enough. Maybe the fact I almost always cummed near the start of the battle had to do with the fact the kangaroo grew out of control so quick
Is there any guide on how to do things in the game, I've been having trouble finding most things, and I really want to see them, but I can't find enough detailed information to do so.
Nope, there isn't a guide. I'll eventually be working on some sort of hint system to help people get them all. For now I can just tell you what you have to do for each character.
For the Kobold there are 2 scenes, one where you need to be small (have stats close to when you start the game, you can maybe use a tiny elixir or a yellow berry to help with that) and one you can get if you wear the hat you get from the cobra
There are a few scenes at the Unholy Hollows and to get there you need to get the Giant Werewolf's business card. The way to get it is different depending on your species. You'll need him to confide in you about how he feels about humans and to do that you'll likely need to get him his moon artifact from the temple, remind him that you were the one to give it to him, and then talk about his tie
There's a scene with the cobra if you try casting the Spell of Love on him
To get to the scene at the shark's place you have to talk to the bat and shark at the bulletin board at night with at least one of them interested in you. For that to happen you either need to flirt with the shark and then apologize to him or talk to the bat about something he's interested in and then ask him to do something else once he's at stage 3. After the scene with them together you can get scenes with them individually by repeating the things that got them interested
For the knight - if he's low level and you go to the gym you'll find him there. If you lift enough weights in front of him he'll be impressed then in battle you can get a scene if you compliment him then grapple him. If he's too high level to find at the gym you can take an empty XP bottle to the turtle to get a black XP potion that will set him back to level 1
Something like that could work. I'd have to think about it though - I might end up using something like that as a special ability that a future transformation gets instead.
I've been very satisfied with this update but also pretty longing for the next one. Well that's what waiting a month is for. Granted, that's not to say this update was disappointing. In fact it actually was really cool with the small details.
From being able to see the blue dragon in the bar. To the admiral lusting for the Pirate Captain. Those small details were really cool. Even the option to reduce the gain on the gator was nice. But yeah, I cannot wait to see more about these characters as well as suggest changes here and there when necessary.
Now I cannot wait to be able to see when we get to a clothing system. Cause that would be cool to get different reactions out of the characters or even see them in different outfits or being able to masturbate with different toys or maybe prevention with the help of a chastity cage. Also I do find it weird that there are no negative effects for orgasming during combat you would think that the character having an orgasm would drain them but nope they just keep fighting. Though those changes seems to be way further down the line.
In the next update I hope we get more hang out variations with the characters. Rather than just repeating the same scene. But again that's for later right now I'm going to just enjoy the game!
It's been a long time since I last played, but I don't remember only being able to cast one spell per encounter. Especially since the hexes say they stack... How can I improve the stone and/or increase my spell cast?
You must beat the Snake at Curse Kastle. He gives you the staff needed to cast spells more than once per battle. This fight can be difficult however depending on your curse. I Would recommend stocking up on rockets if you want to beat him without having yourself be overpowered by stamina issues.
I'm super excited for the next Public update. I'm also excited for the interactions with the blue dragon outside of the buffet. I could only imagine what would happen if he had ended up getting part of his paycheck cut for his sponsorship in the company because of the loss and it is making it harder for him to pay rent. So he eventually is forced to beg for help from you I'm which case out of the kindness of your heart you basically give him a place to stay with you.
It's just an idea. Then again... Ideas are going to change from time to time. Just gotta see what's around the corner. I also am curious, what are the species for the winners bar and the bulletin board?
Yeah, I have something in mind already for the dragon, it might be a while before I get to it though. Also, the person at winner's bar is the Forest Knight's brother, so he's the same species, and the person at the bulletin is a crow
Yeah, it's pretty clear that the Blue Dragon definitely has some sponsorship going on seeing as he's the face of the buffet. Since there's a staggering difference in pay from what you get if you get first than getting second. Yeah I'm excited to get to know these characters. Especially when they get names too since I believe the characters are only identified by their traits and whatnot. Also, on the bulletin board it says that the bird pirate is a Parrot. I recall it once looking like a parrot but the colors changed. That or it's the Mandela effect going into my brain. Also, who owns the Kurse Kastle? I just realized the Bat mentions being employed by 'him'. That sounds like an update down the line. I would assume that this character probably hasn't been developed yet. It especially seems that the Bat boyfriend is the one who's working a job. I'm having so many questions spring up that makes me realize some cool world building. Also, the fact that the beach weather goes from being shorts in the morning to literal coat and jacket at night is quite concerning. Perhaps... There's something out at sea causing this cold? One last question, will the Rhino be expanded upon? Cause he's kinda just... There and doesn't have too much you can do. Of course this game is still being worked on but this is mostly food for thought. Especially since whoever owns the Castle in the forest knows a few things. But I'll stop speculating for now and continue enjoying this game!
Oh, does it still say parrot? I thought I changed that. But yeah, a lot of the things that you're speculating about are things that will probably be worked on eventually
I do feel that balancing wise it is very easy to gain enough money and size in the first few days thanks to the pier. Not that I'm saying it's bad. It's just there should be a little more to earn it. Cause the fishing up the 2k gold is very helpful early game. In fact that should be a first thing you do. Mushrooms are especially easy to gain if you've wooed the Forest Knight. Also, weird to me is that you can talk to the turtle alchemist at night when the tide is up and he goes home.
One last bug I recall, going to the shark and bat and having sex doesn't make the next day until you sleep in your bed. Then it says you slept at their house when clearly you didn't. Speaking of housing I would like it if we could stay ocer at other character's houses or have them stay over at our own if the option to buy a whole house is possible later on.
There probably won't ever be a thing where you can move in with other characters, but there will eventually be a separate curse called the Curse of the Giant Boyfriend where you live with someone else and you don't really grow - instead they do
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Is there a way to be able to still have energy even if you're permanently at 0 because you're too fat?
If you explore and find the Focus Stone you can turn that on in the closet and that should help a bit. If you find the Secret Ingredient and use energy potions in battle that could also help
I also find it funny the only two characters that have names are characters who are barely seen. Those being Mitch, the Seagull and Chompo, the dinosaur plush. One last thing I loved a lot was the addition of the white crystal. That is going to be helpful for any magician. Which reminds me of an idea I had where during halloween you can go trick or treating with other characters. For example you could go out as Kamek with the turtle alchemist which would be an awesome pair. It could also be nice if the outfit gave you higher magic stats much like the hat but decreasing strength's effect by a ton. In compensation it could also increase your arousal ceiling.
And Alexander the priest. Yeah, I hardly give any of them actual names
I noticed a few odd context errors. First off there isn't a change in dialogue for the description of the pier. Since it says that it is sunny out but clearly the moon is out. I'll see if I can find other errors like this and report them to you. Also, before I forget, when you go to bed in your apartment after viewing the threesome with the Shark and the Bat instead of you sleeping in like before you actually have to go to bed in your apartment despite it saying you're sleeping over at theirs.
So far those are the only major errors I can find.
Oh right. Thanks, I'll look into those
I love the amount of work that went into the pirate's scenes. Now to wait another month and play with the rogue in a seemingly bigger update and hey! It seems to be just in time for the spooks!
Yeah, the timing of that update definitely works out well
Not to rush you but at what time do you think you'll release the next update?
Right now!
Nice! Time to play this!
Am I waiting for this to be released at 6 am? Yes, cause that's how excited I am for this new build.
So next update is dropping tomorrow! I hope that there are a few more things implemented aside from just the Pirate scene but I won't be too upset since games take a while to work on.
When is it gonna update
On the 9th
I love the game. But hate how energy is dependant on fat to muscle ratio and can reach 0 and never go up.
Oh! Just thought of something interesting. Since you're living in the cursed forest when you're so big, perhaps it would be possible that you could get jumped by one of the characters while sleeping in the forest? That could be interesting...
Surprisingly, I assume you haven't gotten to dreams yet. Perhaps this can be another way to guide you along the path of characters and giving you hints on what to do with them. For example, you could have a dream of impressing the Dinosaur Knight while he's working in the gym to give you a hint on progressing with him.
It also may be possible to even have dreams of characters you haven't even encountered yet. Possibly giving us teasers of later characters. But let's not get too out of scope that it ruins the quality of the game!
In any case I hope we can not only have some fun with these characters but also learn more about them. Actually I have a list of characters in the order I find them interesting. But it might be a bit long to put in one post.
Sorry if my enthusiasm is a little jarring. It's just I am excited and want to see this game grow. Though I do not want to be overwhelming you with expectations. My only expectations are fun!
Ha ha, no it's ok! I'm happy to know that people care about what I do
I can't wait for the next update. Perhaps we'll learn a little more about the pirates. I can't wait! But it's only 8 days from now. So it gives me something to look forward to!
Hello, I have a problem. My saves haven't been working lately. I use my phone's browser version of the game, and it won't let me load the saves. Hopefully it gets fixed soon :3
Edit: Option 2 is that I am just stupid.
I've solved the problem. It was the browser.
You know, I'm starting to realize that the Pirates might have a connection to the Trans Tech company. Since the pirate crocodile seems to have negative reactions when you say you're a CEO. But if he was a part of Trans Tech why didn't he want it? Even then I do wanna know more about the characters and have fun with them.
Even though rewriting scenes might be a struggle if you're using different clothes if and/or when they get implemented. Been thinking about how it would change character reactions. Just imagining the Dinosaur Swordman being flustered if you come equipped with a Latex outfit or something seems like it would be a neat touch.
Though then there comes the obvious issue of size. Well, if you eventually outgrow normal sizes then you can just have the Kobold or the Serpent enchant them.
Still, I'm just speculating on what could be. That doesn't mean you have to implement it now. This can be nice further down the road for more variety to scenes. Especially perhaps getting to a point where characters trust you enough to try on other outfits.
In any case, hope that this game continues to provide a fun experience to those who want it!
There is a character that has a connection to the TransTech company but it's none of the pirates and it won't be for a long time until that gets revealed
Well one of the hardest pieces of evidence is the fact that after clearing the debt you go to the pirate beach. Which the loan itself is from Trans Tech. Either we paid the pirates for that loan or it's something else entirely.
I do hope the next update might have some clothing, or at least test clothing to make sure it works. Most likely the one of the updates later. But yeah I cannot wait for the next update and hope it has the polish the prior updates have had.
When is le next update, I am eagerly waitin :D
It's coming September 9th
what do you do with the book you get from the priest
If you spend time reading it in the closet something should happen. If you have failed a pact at the temple then there will be something you can do after that
When do you think you'll put the rival on the bucket list of things to do? Since the rival is kind of just there and doesn't feel like a challenge after you get strong enough. Then again it's one of the few enemies that doesn't have a mechanic to grow stronger depending on how well you do. It actually grows weaker every time you win.
I'm excited to eventually get scenes with the Captain and the Admiral. Cause I already like these two the moment I saw them. It makes me wonder what the Curse Kastle king is going to be like.
There will be a couple of new enemies coming out in the next few updates, but I think soon after that I'll be working on the Debt and Competition curses so the rival will be done then
Is there a way to return the Kangaroo to stage 1 again?
If you show the signed photo to the bat then you'll be able to properly insult the kangaroo and make him smaller
I see. I must have been using the "back" feature too much and not exhausting the options enough. Maybe the fact I almost always cummed near the start of the battle had to do with the fact the kangaroo grew out of control so quick
you can add more fat content
Eventually. There's an enemy from a Patreon poll that I still have to work on. After that I can do more fat stuff
you know i like fat things
everyone likes fat things xP
Is there any guide on how to do things in the game, I've been having trouble finding most things, and I really want to see them, but I can't find enough detailed information to do so.
Nope, there isn't a guide. I'll eventually be working on some sort of hint system to help people get them all. For now I can just tell you what you have to do for each character.
For the Kobold there are 2 scenes, one where you need to be small (have stats close to when you start the game, you can maybe use a tiny elixir or a yellow berry to help with that) and one you can get if you wear the hat you get from the cobra
There are a few scenes at the Unholy Hollows and to get there you need to get the Giant Werewolf's business card. The way to get it is different depending on your species. You'll need him to confide in you about how he feels about humans and to do that you'll likely need to get him his moon artifact from the temple, remind him that you were the one to give it to him, and then talk about his tie
There's a scene with the cobra if you try casting the Spell of Love on him
To get to the scene at the shark's place you have to talk to the bat and shark at the bulletin board at night with at least one of them interested in you. For that to happen you either need to flirt with the shark and then apologize to him or talk to the bat about something he's interested in and then ask him to do something else once he's at stage 3. After the scene with them together you can get scenes with them individually by repeating the things that got them interested
For the knight - if he's low level and you go to the gym you'll find him there. If you lift enough weights in front of him he'll be impressed then in battle you can get a scene if you compliment him then grapple him. If he's too high level to find at the gym you can take an empty XP bottle to the turtle to get a black XP potion that will set him back to level 1
Thank you, I managed to get most of them now.
Can you make abilities for power with the bird
Maybe at some point if I think of any
I have one rage gains temporary power but you lose health
Something like that could work. I'd have to think about it though - I might end up using something like that as a special ability that a future transformation gets instead.
Maybe in the lizard cabin you can find it and enter its crew or find it or fatten it or you can steal the barrels
Hello, can I somehow become a vampire permanently?
Nope, that's not a thing yet
Hello just a question to anyone who knows
In the Unholy Hollows, you can you choose both prompt? Cuz when I choose one the other one disappears
Thank you in advance
You would have to remove a transformation at the temple in order to get the other one
Does anyone have V0.12.2?
To create a saved Load Time Machine File
You should be able to download that now
Thank you so much
and your game is very good 😌👌 😊👍
Thank you! 💚
I've been very satisfied with this update but also pretty longing for the next one. Well that's what waiting a month is for. Granted, that's not to say this update was disappointing. In fact it actually was really cool with the small details.
From being able to see the blue dragon in the bar. To the admiral lusting for the Pirate Captain. Those small details were really cool. Even the option to reduce the gain on the gator was nice. But yeah, I cannot wait to see more about these characters as well as suggest changes here and there when necessary.
Now I cannot wait to be able to see when we get to a clothing system. Cause that would be cool to get different reactions out of the characters or even see them in different outfits or being able to masturbate with different toys or maybe prevention with the help of a chastity cage. Also I do find it weird that there are no negative effects for orgasming during combat you would think that the character having an orgasm would drain them but nope they just keep fighting. Though those changes seems to be way further down the line.
In the next update I hope we get more hang out variations with the characters. Rather than just repeating the same scene. But again that's for later right now I'm going to just enjoy the game!
i like this one
I do hope that the update drops soon but I'll be super excited either way.
How do I fatten the turtle and the forest knight?
You get the hex of fattening from the Kobold or you get lucky when asking the Turtle to drink a potion. Otherwise it's the hex of fattening.
So now we wait until the update gets posted.
I've been seeing comments about a Ghost Atlas, how exactly do I go about finding that?
Go to the temple at night
I believe you also have to do this after completing or failing a pact once.
Ah, thank you!
Does the next release include that bunny guy's scene? Just curious
Nah, the next couple of updates are for the alligator. The kangaroo's scene won't be for 5 or 6 updates from now
Whew. Looks like he's going to be on the back burner getting his stunt double to do the work for him. XD
you can add furry to adopt it so you can fatten
I wonder how soon the next release is.
It'll be on the 6th
Sweet, so today depending on the time zone.
It's been a long time since I last played, but I don't remember only being able to cast one spell per encounter. Especially since the hexes say they stack... How can I improve the stone and/or increase my spell cast?
You must beat the Snake at Curse Kastle. He gives you the staff needed to cast spells more than once per battle. This fight can be difficult however depending on your curse. I Would recommend stocking up on rockets if you want to beat him without having yourself be overpowered by stamina issues.
I'm super excited for the next Public update. I'm also excited for the interactions with the blue dragon outside of the buffet. I could only imagine what would happen if he had ended up getting part of his paycheck cut for his sponsorship in the company because of the loss and it is making it harder for him to pay rent. So he eventually is forced to beg for help from you I'm which case out of the kindness of your heart you basically give him a place to stay with you.
It's just an idea. Then again... Ideas are going to change from time to time. Just gotta see what's around the corner. I also am curious, what are the species for the winners bar and the bulletin board?
Yeah, I have something in mind already for the dragon, it might be a while before I get to it though. Also, the person at winner's bar is the Forest Knight's brother, so he's the same species, and the person at the bulletin is a crow
Yeah, it's pretty clear that the Blue Dragon definitely has some sponsorship going on seeing as he's the face of the buffet. Since there's a staggering difference in pay from what you get if you get first than getting second. Yeah I'm excited to get to know these characters. Especially when they get names too since I believe the characters are only identified by their traits and whatnot. Also, on the bulletin board it says that the bird pirate is a Parrot. I recall it once looking like a parrot but the colors changed. That or it's the Mandela effect going into my brain. Also, who owns the Kurse Kastle? I just realized the Bat mentions being employed by 'him'. That sounds like an update down the line. I would assume that this character probably hasn't been developed yet. It especially seems that the Bat boyfriend is the one who's working a job. I'm having so many questions spring up that makes me realize some cool world building. Also, the fact that the beach weather goes from being shorts in the morning to literal coat and jacket at night is quite concerning. Perhaps... There's something out at sea causing this cold? One last question, will the Rhino be expanded upon? Cause he's kinda just... There and doesn't have too much you can do. Of course this game is still being worked on but this is mostly food for thought. Especially since whoever owns the Castle in the forest knows a few things. But I'll stop speculating for now and continue enjoying this game!
Oh, does it still say parrot? I thought I changed that. But yeah, a lot of the things that you're speculating about are things that will probably be worked on eventually
I do feel that balancing wise it is very easy to gain enough money and size in the first few days thanks to the pier. Not that I'm saying it's bad. It's just there should be a little more to earn it. Cause the fishing up the 2k gold is very helpful early game. In fact that should be a first thing you do. Mushrooms are especially easy to gain if you've wooed the Forest Knight. Also, weird to me is that you can talk to the turtle alchemist at night when the tide is up and he goes home.
One last bug I recall, going to the shark and bat and having sex doesn't make the next day until you sleep in your bed. Then it says you slept at their house when clearly you didn't. Speaking of housing I would like it if we could stay ocer at other character's houses or have them stay over at our own if the option to buy a whole house is possible later on.
There probably won't ever be a thing where you can move in with other characters, but there will eventually be a separate curse called the Curse of the Giant Boyfriend where you live with someone else and you don't really grow - instead they do
No sandbox then can we get pictures of the player in game
Considering all of the different possible ways the player character could look, that's probably not happening
i got too big for the game to understand again and started shrinking . . . again.
Will this ever get a steam port?
Eventually, I think
Awesome. Would love to get it there if it did.