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How do i get more xp potions and how do i use them on the knight

If you have an empty xp bottle you can take it to the turtle

where do I get empty ones ?

You get an empty bottle after using the one you get at Winner's

Still having great fun with this! Especially with new updates and such ^^

Can you add a sand box mode?

The curse of nothingness is about as close as you're gonna get. Freely messing around with stats is a Patreon thing

Can you fuck the shark and if you can where do you find him

Pier and you can have fun with the shark.

Ok how

(1 edit)

You can go to the castle of evil and arouse his boyfriend by letting him suck. Then visit at the board at night to trigger the option to fuck the shark solo.


To get to the scene at the shark's place you have to talk to the bat and shark at the bulletin board at night with at least one of them interested in you. For that to happen you either need to flirt with the shark and then apologize to him or talk to the bat about something he's interested in and then ask him to do something else once he's at stage 3. After the scene with them together you can get scenes with them individually by repeating the things that got them interested

How do you get the pacifist ending in the turtle fight?

Just keep doing the second talking option - it changes each time

How do you go the the Pirate cave and what dose the ghost atlas do

For now, there's no way into the pirate cave. For the ghost book you just need to spend some time reading it in the closet - if you don't know what to do after that you might have to fail a pact at the temple

Byt what does "if you don't know what to do after that you might have to fail a pact at the temple" mean what steps do we have to follow so we can see what the atlas does

Get the book, go to the closest, stare at it. You’ll get the magic word elsewhere when it happens, that is all it literally does, but you will need to fail the pact and then the option is available for the Atlas to become useful… Hope this helps!

it just says you feel like something happened so what does that do

And then it says incermentum or something is it suppose to do something after that

Ooh I had an idea on the clothes thing. Mostly because of them getting a reaction out of the characters during battle. Some increasing or decreasing your libido rate or even regenerate other stats. Also, recalling the blue dragon, maybe you could end up finding him at a sex store after beating him since there was the image of him with the pup mask in the files. Of course these are your characters and your ideas. 

i was kinda curious i remember reading on old patch notes there was a mention of a Naga transformation, is that in the game and i just have not found it or has it not been added?


It's a VIP Patreon only thing for now

ahh did not realize there was patreon exclusive features... might need to see about joining your patreon then

(1 edit)

Will there be a character that will remain short even when they grow? Kinda like the kobold, but just doesn’t get tall? I was just wondering because it would be nice to have someone cursed to be short, but can grow about the same. I love the update by the way! Forest Knight is so cute! I am glad I can have some interaction with him! You make this game addicting and cute!!!


I could maybe do something like that eventually. I was thinking of adding some settings before you start a run that affect how the curses work - I could maybe add a setting for how much muscle/fat stats affect heights for you and the enemies

(3 edits) (+1)

I’m stoked! It would be cool to see guys just all bulky, but remain tall as a pancake! Cute but powerful! >:)

Thought this would be nice to see a monster all size but no height!

How do you fuck the forrest dino?

If he's low level you can find him at the gym. If you lift enough weights to impress him you can compliment him and grapple him in battle

Wait how do you figth the turtle alchemist

You have to give him mushrooms.

(1 edit) (+1)

how do i meet the ghost atlas? i read the book and then went to the pc

what do you mean meet is it not resad the ghost atlas and also yeah I also wonder

Deleted 1 year ago

Is the update out yet or is it still limited to patrons?

Why is it not yet but still im excited


shame it is gays only :(


Yeah that why its says a gay porn game so its explains it self if you want go to the straigth porn game or just become gay so yeah we all almost want the game to stay gay okay. Im bored gonna go jerk off 🍆👌

I mean, lesbians are a thing too.


Ummm okay

When Will the next update be released


It's tomorrow

Show post...

so stupid its good


I'm excited to see what the new update brings and also what will be teased. Personally I'd like a bit more in terms of what can be done to our character's clothes. Though that might be a bit much. But more toys like chastity perhaps that can be gotten from the temple of light as a way of staving off libido. Though I feel that the Shark sex scenes should have the consequences of the shark being too fat to surf if you expand him too much. 

I do hope we get to know more about this cast of characters. Cause the characters are what make it for me.


I actually had a clothing system before I first released the game, where your clothes would rip and tear as you got bigger. I ended up removing it because it didn't end up being that interesting - actually it was more annoying than anything because you grow quickly enough that they would just tear off constantly and you'd have to keep getting new clothes. If I ever think of a way to rework it I might add it back

I can see how annoying it would be to implement. Although there could be tailoring services. I do feel as though there should be a size limiter item in case you don't want to get too big. Though despite how goofy this world is I don't want to take away from the characters either. Since they make this game fun.


Daaamn, this is one hot yet somehow cute game. I love the art style, it's very soothing but it is also sexy when required. I also love the humor and light-heartedness of the game, and the encounters. I'm really looking forward to more of the werewolf cuz he's such a cutie, and maybe more of the smug kangaroo (I just find him very funny yet extremely hot at the same time, and the idea of a character growing or shriking along with their ego is so fun).

Sorry for the rant, bottom line is: I am addicted to this game xD.

Hey! Thanks a lot, I'm glad you like it!

(1 edit)

Apparently, if you play for long enough, you get some fun numbers for stats. I probably should have expected that, but idk

Funni number :)


What will the next update include?

BTW, I love this game, its just so addicting =)


The main thing in the next update is you can find the Forest Knight at the gym and if you're able to lift enough you'll impress him and this can lead to a sex scene whenever you battle him

when is the next update tho?


It will be out on the 8th


Same, very addicting :)

I wait for the next update almost every 4 days, I'm addicted to it and it's fun

(3 edits)

I loved the game so much! I hope you'll add more characters with more options and also hoping the shark and priest guy will grow too, I hope there's option to every character were either they fuck you or you fuck them (maybe switching too?). Thank you for your great efforts to bring us joy, we'll looking forward to your ideas and we are here to support you as always ♥️


Hey, thanks a lot! And more characters and all of that will definitely be coming eventually

are we able to do anything with the turtle at all or is the area there at already show all we can do with the

There's a short scene with him in the next update. No sex though, and if there ever is it won't be for a long while before I do that


are we or will we be able to have sex with the turtle...

how often do updates happen without patreon 

It's once a month, usually a week into the month. Patreon supporters are an update ahead of the free version though

I have a silly question over here:

I'm playing the android executable and since I tried using the time machine and apparently didn't do anything for me, I want to ask if updating the version will eliminate my current save files and of course, if I have to update by deleting the old version and install the new one

If anyone could answer me I'd appreciate that

Oof, yeah I see. So in order to transfer saves to a new version you would need to use the time machine stuff, but it turns out giving Android apps permission to save files is more complicated than I thought. So until I figure out how to get that working it's not going to be possible to transfer save files between android versions

I see, don't worry about that ^^ after all a new start could always open the possibilities to mix new things up, besides the most I have in my current sf is a day-one monster manual

Is there a way to fuck or get fucked by the Alligator Pirate? 

Not yet. That will be in version 0.13.2, so 3 updates from now

I dont have any time machine files. Does this mean I have to restart?

If you were playing the online version then yeah, sorry.

is there a way to get it back if you play online

Not really. I can make the old version available to download for a bit. If you download that and it doesn't let you load your save then you'll have to restart. If it does work you can load the save, make a time machine save and then try loading that in the new version.

I'm thinking of adding a timer to the game that will count down to the next save so that people have a warning to make a time machine save. Or if you're in the discord I announce when the next update comes out ahead of time

Why does it say trasformation colors but it says slime color is there a way to transform into a slime?

Oh, whoops. That's only in the VIP version

How to use the secret ingredient?


If you go to the closet and use it then the items you use in battle will be upgraded

What's the slime tf and how do you get it


There's an item in the VIP version of the game that does that. It increases your height and fat stat a bit and makes it so that after you beat an enemy in battle you absorb them to get bigger

I see is this Patreon only


what do i do with the ghost atlas and when i go to the bulliten board at hours 6-5,It says someone is here, but i am not strong enough  to see them. What level of strength do i have to be for that?

For the ghost atlas, you can go to the closet and spend some time reading it. For the bulletin board you either need to be small or fat to get new skills

What does the wario pill do


For a day enemy pictures and sex scenes will be different

How much closer is the next update?


It will be within a week. I would announce an exact day but I'm still not sure because I'm dealing with stuff with my internet


We can have some fun with priest? Because this guy is probably the hottest one from all of them


Haha, yeah a lot of people seem to want that. You can't yet, but at some point I'll make that a thing

is there an available guide? i wanna fuck all the characters lol


Nope, there isn't a guide. I'll eventually be working on some sort of hint system to help people get them all. For now I can just tell you what you have to do.

For the Kobold there are 2 scenes, one where you need to be small (have stats close to when you start the game, you can maybe use a tiny elixir or a yellow berry to help with that) and one you can get if you wear the hat you get from the cobra

There are a few scenes at the Unholy Hollows and to get there you need to get the Giant Werewolf's business card. The way to get it is different depending on your species. You'll need him to confide in you about how he feels about humans and to do that you'll likely need to get him his moon artifact from the temple, remind him that you were the one to give it to him, and then talk about his tie

There's a scene with the cobra if you try casting the Spell of Love on him

To get to the scene at the shark's place you have to talk to the bat and shark at the bulletin board at night with at least one of them interested in you. For that to happen you either need to flirt with the shark and then apologize to him or talk to the bat about something he's interested in and then ask him to do something else once he's at stage 3. After the scene with them together you can get scenes with them individually by repeating the things that got them interested

What about the Alchemist? Does he have sex scene? If so, how do I get them?

Nope, sorry! Nothing with him yet

hey i don't know if this is something you can answer but i was playin on browser and my save file got saved as the-curse-of-curse-kastle-numbers , when i tried to load them i get an error message saying they are for another game, does this happen due to an update on the game?

Yeah, save files won't work between different updates. To transfer save data between updates you would have to make a 'time machine' file on the computer in the old version and then load that in the new version

awesome game, but my data keeps resetting every time i play on browser. Is there any way to fix this?

Hm, I guess that's from your cache getting cleared? You could try the downloadable version, or maybe use the time machine saves

Is this the forest night update, finaly upon us?

Only in the paid versions! This is the 2nd half of the new enemy pictures

how do you get the shark red like in the picture you have up here? 

feed him chum

thanks! Do you know if there’s a way to get the armband back from the werewolf? And is there a sex scene with the blue dragon at the restaurant? 

There is a scene with the dragon being worked on that for now is only available in the paid VIP version. And you can't get the armbands from the wolf. If you meant how to get the moon thing back from him, you can do that if you stun him - either with fireworks or by grappling

It would appear you cannot buy the monster manual for some reason... Unless I'm very unlucky with RNG.

Also, is there not a scene of the chubby variant of the shark and his boyfriend yet?

Nope, no chubby variant yet! Sorry! And for the monster manual, maybe that's bad luck? I'm not sure, I'd have to check that. Also if you have bought it before in a previous run then you can start with it, so maybe you might already have it.

I think it has to do with the fact that it might be related to having to go to the church.

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