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What are the possible places for the TransTech card to appear?

It can be in a chest in the forest, a special at the Dorstore, a reward for beating the Secret Stadium, a reward at Winner's, or gotten from the Alligator at the pier after you do the scene with him in the ship

Uh, I'm sorry to bother you again. I want to know where star artifact can be obtained and how to give it to the blue dragon in《Lil Koby's adventure》

When you start a run of Koby's Adventure there should be an option to give him the star after the first time you are enthralled by him. If you don't see it, make sure you are playing the most recent version

okay thanks for you help!

I think with the sheer amount of content on offer there seriously needs to be a guide

Why does my 《lil Koby's adventure》 kick me out of the game after I click continue?And I see a lot of "error" please fix this bug.


Sorry about that! Would it be possible for you to share a screenshot of that? If you do, make sure to show the sidebar with your stats and effects

Oh sorry! I'm guessing there is some sort of status/effect you have that's causing this and that's what I wanted to see. If it's not too much trouble, could I get a picture of the sidebar before you start Koby's adventure showing the statuses that you have?

Here you go

OK, thank you so much. I'll have to take a look into that


oh my goddd, I LOVE this game, it is so well done. I have a personal goal to try to make my Robot as big as I can, I know that’s kind of antithetical to the purpose of the game, but idc he’s so cute. I do have a couple things that I think could be fixed, mainly that I wish it would take more into consideration when you are like really small, into the gameplay. Like maybe the characters do something to you, or commented on it. Likr the characters would call me “big” but like I’m 5 foot tall what do you mean??? Other than that, amazing work, truly

Thank you!
Do you remember which characters said that? I'll have to take a look at that

From what I remember, its in both of the sex scenes with the Kobold Mage and the fight with the Cleric

should low key be a guide or walkthrough for this

Again, were I can get my green dragon boy bigger?

Future updates can be seen here:

PLEASE make it so that you can give the smug kangaroo the cursed creatine. He deserves it.

Deleted 23 days ago

You have to gain a lot of fat. The reward is something that helps with being too fat so if you're unable to get it then you should be fine without it

I want to give the star power to the green dragon in kobi adventures, he is the only dragon that deserves that privilege, how I get that ending?

That's coming in a couple of updates from now


The fallen cleric encounter is currently bugged. He only performs the same damaging attack and doesn't do anything else he's supposed to.

Better, if he doesn't charm or suck, then it's gg for the stupid rat, or whatever the hell that is

(2 edits)

I played the game and can't stop thinking about the pirate gator enemy,is it possible to befriend him and maybe more? 🥴

If you get the stuffed animal from the store and all answer the gator's questions correctly you can a scene with him on the ship at the pier

I tried it multiple times but it only says i got his barrel after he enjoyed my conversation and i used the stuffed animal option

If you answer all three right in one battle, he'll say to see him when he's sober. If you go to the pier you should find him

It worked thanks,also i have a suggestion. Maybe you can add a love potion to the game so you can befriend or fuck enemies with ease 🤤

There's a "love spell" that is used on the Naga.

Will any of the characters have their interactions expanded on at some point? Not that I'm not excited for more of Lil Koby's adventure, but... I'll admit, there are a few good characters I want to learn more about and have scenes for. Of course there is the cupcakes in the future which is nice. What I'm looking forward to is more events involving the pirate crew which are tied to like half the characters in the game in an interconnected web.

The pirates stole a shipment of magic times that the Kobold Mage ordered. Said Mage happens to end up becoming the boy friend of the Komodo Jock. Furthermore there's the connection that the Captain has to the Admiral which the captain doesn't have dialogue to comment on this. Additionally there is the the blue dragon and the Forest Knight the former drowning his sorrows at the bar and the latter being the brother of the Admiral. 

Then there is the Rhino.

Seriously, the Rhino is becoming the running gag of this game. The guy who's going to be put off on updating. Second to the curse of Boyfriend which I'm excited for when you'll have that mapped out. 

Anyways, hope to see that the next planned update (updates on the Trello that you aren't working on, but have an idea for) will address expanding on more character events like the cupcake update. 

Love this game! 


I don't really have much in terms of plans for the rhino. I'll probably just use him if I ever need a stupid doctor character, which I will need when I do the boyfriend curse.

Though, for advancing stuff with characters I have a scene with the shark coming after the cupcake update. For what I have planned, I need to finish stuff with the bat and shark before I can then work on concluding stuff with the pirates


Also we should have a celebration/warning for when the game becomes over a gigabyte on Android.

I might just change it so the Android version requires an internet connection to load the pictures. The file size would be much smaller that way

i have a random idea but what if you can put a gem on the barbell discs since they're basically extra wide rings. growing it bigger and being able to lift it to grow stronger

Maybe. I could do something along those lines since there isn't bigger equipment after the junkyard. Not sure though, I'll have to think about what I want to do about that

Hey, just a question.

How do you bang the shark? I've been trying but I can't find the way. 

Thank you! <3

To get to the scene at the shark's place you have to talk to the bat and shark at the bulletin board at night with at least one of them interested in you. For that to happen you either need to flirt with the shark and then apologize to him or talk to the bat about something he's interested in and then ask him to do something else once he's at stage 3. After the scene with them together you can get scenes with them individually by repeating the things that got them interested

Ok thank you <3


I have a question: could you add female characters as a option in the begining of the game? And also could you also add other species like: bee , monkey , kajiu and alien?


If I remember correctly, this game is not meant for having female player characters as its meant to be men...


Honestly wondering if there will be more stuff with the player/enemies being shrunken or fattened (maybe have them stay fat for some?)

The power you get from being possessed can shrink enemies over multiple days. I don't have any plans for anything that would keep them fat over multiple battles but I'll have to think about it

Ah ok. Looking forward to whatever you decide


can we get more content for the competitor guy? Idk if its possible but i really wanna comfort him.

There will for sure be more stuff with him eventually

Will we ever get manifestations of imaginary characters into reality, outside of our dreams and games? Have our Dinosaur plushie become a living doll or Koby’s adventure NPCs to be outside of computer?


Maybe - the dinosaur plushie especially. I eventually want to expand on the Koby minigame enough that more stuff with the dragons probably won't be necessary, though.


actually i have an idea that you might like if you beat the final boss of little koby enough times the npc in that game sorta of come out the screen but they have their own personality and basically become your roommates and if you beat them in a battle they drop a dragon scale of their color once you collect all the colored scales you become/transform into the dragon lord and the demand worship ability will be permanent what are you thoughts on that?

another thing the dragon lord transformation also stacks with other transformations 

Not sure if I'll ever get far enough to do that, but it's interesting. 

hey just an idea you don't have to do it if you don't want too


Something I've noticed, If you get "Too big", The "Stuff yourself" button becomes unusable, as it immediately drains the money balance to a single digit


I love lil kolby's adventure. I really want to see a route where your character becomes enthralled by himself if he focuses strictly on growing. Gosh, I have so many ideas for this side game, but I also want to have more stuff for the main game.

OK! Here's a few ideas so far for both sides.

Kolby ideas: Magical curses! You're a mage, so you might as well be able to cast negative spells on anyone you've enthralled so you can have them willingly come back to you and desperate for more. Hehehee... 

Curses could include chastity, fattening or even increased horniness! Of course, there could be the option to start with one of these curses too! Of course there's also the fact that the star could end up making the Kobold fatter. He wishes to get bigger, but he didn't specify in what way. :3

Main Game Ideas: Sex toys! Cause really, most of the scenes are pretty vanilla, which makes sense since they're like entry scenes to the characters so you can develop the relationship. I pine for the Captain Admiral ship to set sail, it's been in the docks for so long! 

I would imagine those two would have a bit of a bondage relationship. The Captain getting caged with chastity perhaps? It would honestly be cute. In all seriousness though, I want to see extended relationships much like with the Kobold and Komodo.

Poor rhino is in the corner forced to have one of the most useless services in the game. That's saying something since there are many different systems for growing. 

Also, back to the dragon, I want to be able to see his subby side after he quits the contest, since it says in the winner's bar he gets beaten so badly that he quits for good. In addition to considering the amount of money he gets per week, him quitting might also be him losing money and having to bunk with you since he has to spend loads of money on food that he forgot to pay rent. 

Sorry if you don't want to implement some of these or can't due to other suggestions having priority. 

(1 edit)

I can't wait for the next update! I love this game! Thanks McKruger for creating and updating it ❤️

I have a question about the gravity ring, what is it for exactly? I haven't found a use for it yet x


Thank you! 💚😊
And the Gravity Ring is for reducing the energy loss you get from being fat

(1 edit)

one very important question...what will you do once you get this 100% done will you do a new project or what just of curiosity. Also huge of your work keep it up but don't over do it take breaks every now and then.


I have a few ideas of what I'd do after but nothing I'm really sure of. This game's kind of like a sandbox so it's really easy to keep adding to it - I'll probably be at this for a long time still


I think the real fear for me is when this game reaches a gigabyte of space. XD


ight sweet just don't overwork yourself takes some breaks if you need too


Since you can play this game on web it means it’s also playable on phone which is neat

Only problem is at the very start there is not actual way to check what the curses do on mobile since the second you click on it you proceed. I tried checking the trello but it just said updates and stuff

If anyone doesn’t mind could they explain how I can see what the curses do or just reply to me on which one is what


Oh, I see. Yeah, that's a problem.
Well, Manliness/Corpulence just makes you gain muscle/fat each night. Nothingness just starts you out with extra money and transfer tokens. Competition gives you a Rival that you have to fight every few days and the winner of the fight drains size from the loser. Debt starts you out with a large debt you have to pay interest on every few days - if you don't have the money you have to pay through stats


For mobile, you need to hold down the option to see what it does. A lot of games that can be played on mobile+PC are like that. Hope this helps

What does the  "FastTravelVirus.exe" actually do?

It gives you buttons in the side menu that let you set a location you can quickly travel back to

i think the only thing it does is give you a fast travel button to your messages on the bottom left


I adore this game so much. It has so much charm and personality and the kink content is A+. Very  happy to have found it, I've spent wayyy too long playing it these past few weeks hehe.

Is it still possible to do the Cursed Cartridge? I saw people talking about it here and I have yet to find anything about it in the game and I guess it's a Hallowen event.

Aw, thank you so much 😊

Unfortunately you can't do the cursed cartridge in the public version. It's available in the VIP+ versions, but it will also become available again in the free version in October  


I have an idea how about adding the Pirate's Curse to the Curse of Something version 0.24.2, and the plot is that we will be a pirate, do various piratical things, and find out what is inside the Pirate Cave. If anyone does not know about which Pirate Cave, I say that the cave itself appears after passing The Curse of Debt.


wish i could do more with that robot bro i need him


(1 edit)

How to fuck/be fucked with Forest Knight, I completely forgot, I had done it but I don't know how and I don't know how I can actually talk to him properly(bad english i used Google Translate)

Impress him by lifting heavy weights at the gym, then compliment and grapple him in battle. If he's not at the gym it's probably because he's too big - his levels can be reset by getting an item from the Turtle that you get by buying xp potions from him

How do you get bottle of Xp?

You can get them at Winner's if you talk to the owner. You can take an empty xp bottle to the Turtle to get more

will there ever be curse of corruption? like you have to pray every day or you risk losing size or losing control of your character during combat  and even out of combat

I don't know but that's an interesting idea.

question do you have plans for the demonic markings in the unholy hollows? also the marks look like a summoning circle do got plans for that?

The marks are just what cause the transformations - I don't really have plans doing more with them though

okay just thought id ask


I’m too dumb to figure out the ghost atlyss, I did trans tech and got a message, but nothing else


If you've got a message then you need to fail a pact at the temple to find a use for it

Question, I'm playing on the APK of the game and trying to download my game file with the Time Machine, but I get no download... What's going on with that?

Ah, I'm sorry that doesn't work with the APK yet. Android apps don't let you download or mess with files on your device so I need to figure out a way to deal with that


Oof... I know that T.I.T.S (another game with an APK) has a working feature where you can download your saves, so it is definitely possible!


that might be a little trickier to implement with a Twine bassd game


Love  this new update even if it feels pretty sparse over all! I hope in future updates we get an expansion to the characters and have deeper bonds with them. In any case, can't wait to see what's cooked up!


I wished there were more interactions outside of battle, for making your enemies fat.

For example if you make the Knight fat in a battle, you soon find out he quit going to the gym and now he joins food eating contest.

Also a few more scenes whit the werewolf would be nice.

And a buddy sistem, where if you befriend a enemy they join your party.

I hope you keep updating the game since it's awesome. Keep up the work dude!

Thank you!

hmm... i think i might be soft locked. im doing the curse of competition rn. I faced against the fallen cleric and had the draining flame afflicted on me. now im stuck at 0.1 muscle and i'm going down a downward spiral against my rival.

You get the stats back from the Cleric if you beat him or after 7 days, if that helps

How do you get the salt? I've gotten it on accident before but forgotten how.

You can randomly get it by beating the Rogue or Ghost. It'll also appear in the store after finding it once that way

what does the cursed creatine even do

You can give it to the Komodo to reset his progress

(1 edit)

Does someone have a custom enemy?

I've played through and met the kangaroo, but I'm not getting any of the images

(1 edit)

You have to ask him about himself and then check the messages over the next few days

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