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This game is absolutely fun! I love how you can choose the curse and the curse of emptiness but I dont have a slightest clue on how to have sex with the wizard... how can you?

Hey! Thanks! Glad you enjoy it.

So the Kobold Mage - eventually I want to put in some hints to help players figure out what to do to have sex with him, but for now I'll just tell you.

You have to wait until he grows enough (until his picture changes) and then compliment his muscles. If you are too big (if your fat, muscle, or height stat is too high) he won't trust you so it won't work.

Love this game. Thank you for all of the effort you put in it.

Thanks! Glad it's appreciated!

Deleted 2 years ago

Hey! Glad you enjoyed it. Also thanks, I love getting comments full of suggestions and stuff like this! 

So yes, unfortunately you're right. The Kobold Mage is the only fuckable one as of right now. I know people are looking forward to more of that, and it's coming. Most characters will be getting sex scenes. I plan on working on this game for at least a couple more years so there is a lot of content that I still have to make. I feel bad that people have to wait for me, but this stuff will come eventually. 

Same goes for dating/relationships with the characters, it's coming. I might do it kind of like how you're suggesting but I'm still deciding. I did plan on initiating a couple more interactions with the Kobold Mage by calling the number that he gives you. I might make a cell phone an item in the game if I think it's needed to start more interactions with other characters.

And yeah, haha, there's a vore joke at the eating contest, but unfortunately I'm not super into that. However, I do have an item coming at some point that lets you consume enemies. I might do more stuff along those lines, but I'll have to think more about it/see how much people want to see it.

Size reducing stuff is a good idea. I have stuff planned that will shrink you, but until that comes maybe I can temporarily add more size-reducing pills.

A homeless arc is funny. I do have a homeless character coming, so maybe I could do something with that. I did have more stuff planned for rent/different homes but I ended up removing it because I didn't have enough ideas to make it interesting, but if I think of more stuff maybe I'll end up bringing it back.

Hi, I found your game and was amazed by what I have seen so far and now I will patiently wait for new updates. Hope you are having a good day.


Aw, thank you!

Can you update the download please? It is the old version apparently.

Oh sorry. The Run Game button above is the newest version, but I'll also add a downloadable version.

(1 edit)

So far game is looking good. I see you have a direction in mind and would first like to see were it goes before i start sugesting to many things.. 

However one problem i came accross is that you get to big but have no way to farm/buy transfer points. It would work as an alternate way of making money and as a way to control how you want your characters physiche to be.

Would also recomend a option to switch between imperial system and metric system. Seeing most of the world uses metric system it would help all those people know how big stuff are.

I am sure you will add stuff for when someone is 10ft tall or above. Having it get crazier and crazier. As in, from Junkyard to Demolishion Department so you can continue to work out.

One thing i also noticed is that Dick and Balls grow waayy quicker then Height. I'd love some control over that if possible and you should be able to do it with massa transfer system. Have everything be their own category would be more convenient. (Even tho some stuff influencie others which might lock you out of this possibility now).

Other stuff will come up with time. You still don't have a sex system which i am pretty sure you will eventually add. Maybe even romancing with those guys on Dark Forest and turn them into potencial allies.

For now thats all. I can give more indepth Reports trough e-mail, telegram or discord if you so wish. I like this basis you have here and i think it needs to be improved upon go bring maximun vibes. We can also brainstorm for ideas yea. Will leave it up to you if you want my help on this.

Thank you! Yeah, even though I still have plenty of ideas of my own to implement, suggestions are always welcome.

I might have a way to farm additional points, but I'm not sure yet. The next several updates are all going to add more methods to grow and mess around with your size. I want to avoid having them not be used in favour of a quick and easy way to farm transfer points. 

Metric system is a good suggestion. I'll be adding that asap. Also I figured the dick to height ratio could be an issue. I will have ways of dealing with that.

I definitely will add stuff to do once you get to ridiculous sizes, but for now, I want most of the game to be about when you're <12 feet or so. I get the appeal of being like skyscraper size or bigger, so that can be a part of the game, but I mostly want to focus on more manageable sizes. Being super huge also makes things like writing sex scenes more difficult for me. Speaking of which, there will be sex/romancing with most of the characters I add, but it will take some time. For example, the sex scene I have planned for the Alligator Pirate involves a couple more steps after talking to him in the woods, so there's still a bunch of stuff I have to add to the game before I get to the final payoff.

If you have more suggestions and stuff you can DM on Discord if you want: MCRugerMasta#5754

But before I do any serious brainstorming, I'm going to be putting out a public Trello. I want to give people a good idea of what kind of stuff I have coming. I should get around to that in a few days.

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