If you have failed a pact at the temple then you should be able to find a use for the word you get from the ghost atlas. And for getting possessed, there are multiple methods - A couple are using multiple salt pouches against the rogue or by talking to the rogue enough during one battle
I could be doing something wrong, but I've given the signed autograph to the bat, and I haven't seen the smug kangaroo's expression change. Still a great game though!
I hope that the next character that gets added is an insect because we need a little bit of spice aside from all of these sexy lizards and our one aesexual turtle in the corner.
Cause I'd like if the Insect starts out as a twink like the Kobold and T-Rex. Though a bit more bottom heavy and curvy because he's an insect. I'm also thinking that he would likely work at the super market as a way to make the work button, more than just a button that eventually becomes useless because you orgasm instantly.
There haven't been too many characters that are addicted to seeing you grow, so I would imagine he would start crushing on you wanting to see you grow and you could possibly have him as a roommate. It's an idea, but it could have merit in the future. I'm just hoping it doesn't clash with the TBA curse of boyfriend.
I'm loving this new update and I cannot wait for whatever you come up with next. Hopefully we can get more character development for the very neglected Rhino next year.
Hi Mckruger! I have one more question xD, in the cursed cartridge, is there anything in particular done with the teleportation chamber? Why did I get to the end of the cartridge without using it?
Hilariously enough he actually jump scared me when I was playing this. XD
I wasn't expecting it and I actually convulsed and cursed while also cursing myself for being so scared.
Mind you I'm on Android so I have to pull up the side tab. So just imagine the cute spider just popping up suddenly on your screen and taking up a 5th of it.
Hi McKruger! I have a question, I can't play the cursed cartridge anymore because I did something with one of the users in the server room, is that good? Is there anything that happens after that happens?
yo what the heck does the cured cartridge even for and what the frick does the ik your there thing even do -_- and now because of that i am to gosh dang scared to touch curse of something ever again
I wanted to do a Christmas event similar to this. The Halloween event took a long time though and I wouldn't want a new event to get in the way of regular updates. Maybe eventually though
Love the cursed cartridge and hope we can see more terrifying things like this in this world. Clearly it isn't all sunshine and rainbows considering the slightly dark undertones implied.
Hi Mckruger! I loved this update, it comes with a lot of cool new stuff. However, I have a problem, I can't get the secret stadium. I beat all the ones outside the castle, even the ones inside. Is it because I defeated them after entering the castle? Help plz 😭
There I got it, thanks a lot McKruger!! For a moment I didn't know what you meant by "explore" until I remembered that there is a button called that hahaha
First of all i love you game, literally i spend lots of hours on the last week trying to see every interaction but i think im missing somes like the pirates and komodo, if not bothers u to ask theres any chart or guide to know wich interactions im missing? if theres not dw bc try to find them is funny
There isn't a guide, but if you answer the Alligator Pirate's 3 questions correctly you can get a scene with him. For now that's it. For the komodo, if you talk to him about the gloves and the kobold, the next day his gloves stop working and you can get him to ask the kobold out. After you get that scene, over the next 20 or so days they have 3 different stages where they'll have something to say when you talk to them (in battle for the komodo, at the magic shop for the kobold).
I'm glad we're finally getting more fat-based content in the game now with the enemy picture, since that's what I'm here for. Not meant in a disparaging way btw since I knew it was coming eventually, just happy my patience paid off.
I love the cursed cartridge halloween update thing, but i was doing the curse of debt and I think you forgot to have something weird happen to the robot bc he's just there like nothing's wrong
I am kinda stuck with cursed cartridge. You must finish the game. Ok, i took item from locker and put it into teleportation, "you hear noise from your closet" ok, i am going to locker Room, there is nothing, maybe it is in the storage? Nope, there is place for user on terminal, but you can't do anything with it. Server is closed, train station is locked. You go back to teleportation and all you can do is retrieve, place and go back to main hall. What i can do? I don't understand
Talk to the Komodo in battle about the kobold, then the day after that his gloves will stop working. Talk to him about that and you can get him to ask the Kobold out. After that, you can check in with each of them every few days and they'll have something to say about what's going on with them
There's just the one scene with the alligator for now but I want to do more with him later. As for defeating the enemy by making them fat, that is coming very soon! The update in a couple of days has a picture for when you beat the Alligator that way. Over the next couple of updates after that, the rest of the enemies will also get one
Nice! The alligator is one of my favourites, I would love to see more of him 💓
I saw a comment about the dragon in the bar after defeating him in the eating contest, do you have any other plans for him? I would love to have him as a fightable NPC (or romance, why not)
Same here, though I would think that might be available in the secret version of next year maybe? Here's hoping Ben Blue the dragon, assuming that is his name given he is the mascot of the restaurant, doesn't get neglected like the Rhino.
I do have more plans for him. I got burned out on writing a while back so I took a break from that side of things for a while, but I'm getting back into it. So maybe I'll get to working on him soon
It shouldn't have been removed. It's part of the randomized special items so it should be found at either the quest board, as a special at the supermarket, in a chest outside of the castle, or from completing the scene with the alligator.
If it's not there, then it's possible that there's a bug. One of these versions had a bug where you could get a duplicate item from the list of special items meaning you would miss out on one of the other ones
Yeah, I’m not seeing it. I’m trying multiple times and so far, nothing. This is all in the curse of manliness. Maybe you can give it a shot. Could just be me
The cleric and rogue are the only things in the castle for now. To cast multiple spells per battle, you need to beat the Cobra Warlock and you'll get a wand from him
I just wanna ask about the Unholy hollows. Is it suppose to give me options everytime i go there or is it suppose to be blank? The first time it gave mee options but now it wont do it again
I would like to report a bug with the castle priest. When you use size reduction magic all his stats are erased and he is impossible to kill. He is the only enemy that has given me errors.
I wonder if there will eventually be a new expansion to the city. It is surprisingly the weakest part of the game. Seriously, the characters are great. The city is kinda there but it has really interesting places. I do feel like the city should feel more alive. Like having silhouettes of non intractable characters going about their lives while having the main characters stand out. The city feels kinda like a medium rather than a city. I do feel like the city should get more shops for things like clothes, characterization, appliances, possibly an adult store, a few more areas and more meaningful and interesting random encounters. Otherwise it kinda just feels like an empty ghost town. Seriously, the only thing that feels more neglected than that is the Rhino. How long has it been since the Rhino got an update? Like seriously, when was the last time you edited the code for the Rhino?
It's been like two years since I did anything with the rhino, lol. If I think of more things to add to the city I will. I have to be selective about it though - I don't people having to sift through too many buttons to get to where they want to go.
Also, damn, the Rhino's really forgettable. In fact, he is the character that is the least likely to be seen by players in my experience. I think most characters should have schedules you should have to learn about. So for example the Vampire Bat is an example of this. In the evening he cannot be encountered in the forest. Same with the turtle not being visitable when the tide is in. Even the dragon shouldn't be moping in the bar all day. Then again this is an urban fantasy world. Not everything has to make sense but it also is super cool if it does.
ZOMG the straights aren’t being included in every single aspect of existence! Travesty! Certainly teh gheyz have never experienced such exclusion and erasure.
In the words of Mark Z Danielewski’s epigraph to The House of Leaves: This is not for you.
Not to beat a dead horse but the description literally states it's a game about "large furry men". I'm not sure why you thought there would be female character you can have sex with/get in this.
Also, there's multiple straight furry games out there that you can find. I'm not sure why you're complaining about a game obviously made for gay men.
when will you rework the pact quest to be a little more fair? because I don't like having to deliberately fail 2 pacts just to get an item that ultimately isn't worth the height loss, maybe make it so the Pact quest is simply making the pacts regardless of success or failure?
I had an unexpected idea to help the author of this game. I could come up with new mechanics and characters, a plot, and I can also draw certain sprites.
I appreciate it, but I can't really take help like that. If someone were to help me to that extent I would have to pay them and I can't afford to do that. But if you have ideas to share, I'm happy to hear those
← Return to game
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sorry to ask but how do you get the ghost to possess me and once you get ghost atlas and get the special texts what you do ?
If you have failed a pact at the temple then you should be able to find a use for the word you get from the ghost atlas. And for getting possessed, there are multiple methods - A couple are using multiple salt pouches against the rogue or by talking to the rogue enough during one battle
is this normal?
how did you make the smug kangaroo look so pitiful and disappointed?
Show his autograph to the bat
Not that, my stats are so high I'm softlocked 😭, i cant even deal any damage to him because i have technically broke the damage counter...
I see, yeah I'll deal with that. Thank you
I could be doing something wrong, but I've given the signed autograph to the bat, and I haven't seen the smug kangaroo's expression change. Still a great game though!
Oh, you also have to insult his acting a few times after that
what should i do then?
im confused
Go to Dark Forest, then use it.
Go back to the Cursed Cartridge.
I hope it can help you.
what should i do when i play cursed catridge after wear it in the dark forest
Use the getuser on the ghost in the forest, then play the cartridge and bring it back with the teleporter
i am on the teleporter, but i don´t know what to do?
I hope that the next character that gets added is an insect because we need a little bit of spice aside from all of these sexy lizards and our one aesexual turtle in the corner.
Cause I'd like if the Insect starts out as a twink like the Kobold and T-Rex. Though a bit more bottom heavy and curvy because he's an insect. I'm also thinking that he would likely work at the super market as a way to make the work button, more than just a button that eventually becomes useless because you orgasm instantly.
There haven't been too many characters that are addicted to seeing you grow, so I would imagine he would start crushing on you wanting to see you grow and you could possibly have him as a roommate. It's an idea, but it could have merit in the future. I'm just hoping it doesn't clash with the TBA curse of boyfriend.
Yo that cartriage was terrifying and still not a jumpscare. Amazing work, I'm so excited for what you throw us next
Thanks! 😊💚
i have to agreed i was a bit confusde on what happened but the onlything that did scare we was the thing that said ik your there
I'm loving this new update and I cannot wait for whatever you come up with next. Hopefully we can get more character development for the very neglected Rhino next year.
Thank you! 💚
Hi Mckruger! I have one more question xD, in the cursed cartridge, is there anything in particular done with the teleportation chamber? Why did I get to the end of the cartridge without using it?
That's a secret!
does the pet spider do anything aside from looking cute with the tiny hat you can buy for it?
You can click on him and he talks. That's it 🙂
Hilariously enough he actually jump scared me when I was playing this. XD
I wasn't expecting it and I actually convulsed and cursed while also cursing myself for being so scared.
Mind you I'm on Android so I have to pull up the side tab. So just imagine the cute spider just popping up suddenly on your screen and taking up a 5th of it.
Hi McKruger! I have a question, I can't play the cursed cartridge anymore because I did something with one of the users in the server room, is that good? Is there anything that happens after that happens?
That's good!
I just noticed the kobolds outfit has bolas horns THATS SO CUTE
Oh duh his entire outfit is bolas's armor thats too cool ahh I love that, two of my favorite things. Kobolds and Nicol bolas
yo what the heck does the cured cartridge even for and what the frick does the ik your there thing even do -_- and now because of that i am to gosh dang scared to touch curse of something ever again
don't worry, it's just for halloween, nothing comes out of the screen or anything and it ends well so all's well
that said, do what the purple text says
okay but still that scared the crap out of me
Are there going to be any updates for Christmas or any other big holidays?
I wanted to do a Christmas event similar to this. The Halloween event took a long time though and I wouldn't want a new event to get in the way of regular updates. Maybe eventually though
God the cursed cartidge was creepy, but thank you for avoiding jumpscares and stuff, I was shaking with the creeps plenty enough without it lol
That said, what the hell is going on with it? I don't think I get it.
What it means is a secret for now 🤫
Love the cursed cartridge and hope we can see more terrifying things like this in this world. Clearly it isn't all sunshine and rainbows considering the slightly dark undertones implied.
Is this normal for the cursed cartridge? If so, can someone please give me any hints on what to do?
What the fuck? I have no idea what this is. Is the the downloadable, the online or the android version?
Android downloadable version
Huh, I guess it's just messed up on the android version then. Sorry about that!
Android is very finicky.
How do I find the secret stadium? I've already gone around in circles and nothing
If you beat the enemies outside of the castle, you'll find the 'inside of the castle' area. If you try exploring after that you should find it
Hi Mckruger! I loved this update, it comes with a lot of cool new stuff. However, I have a problem, I can't get the secret stadium. I beat all the ones outside the castle, even the ones inside. Is it because I defeated them after entering the castle? Help plz 😭
If you've been to the 'Inside of the Castle' area and then explore, it should tell you you've found the Stadium. After that check the forest area
There I got it, thanks a lot McKruger!! For a moment I didn't know what you meant by "explore" until I remembered that there is a button called that hahaha
First of all i love you game, literally i spend lots of hours on the last week trying to see every interaction but i think im missing somes like the pirates and komodo, if not bothers u to ask theres any chart or guide to know wich interactions im missing? if theres not dw bc try to find them is funny
There isn't a guide, but if you answer the Alligator Pirate's 3 questions correctly you can get a scene with him. For now that's it.
For the komodo, if you talk to him about the gloves and the kobold, the next day his gloves stop working and you can get him to ask the kobold out. After you get that scene, over the next 20 or so days they have 3 different stages where they'll have something to say when you talk to them (in battle for the komodo, at the magic shop for the kobold).
Its ok and thanks to answer my question ill gonna try it!
I'm glad we're finally getting more fat-based content in the game now with the enemy picture, since that's what I'm here for. Not meant in a disparaging way btw since I knew it was coming eventually, just happy my patience paid off.
No, I get you. Some people only want one half of what's here and that's fine. Hopefully the wait wasn't too bad!
I can't figure out the cursed cartridge puzzle for the life of me, any hints?
What part are you at?
server room
Just look at the list and continue from there. If things turn red then that's good
When will the Chinese version be made
Probably never. That's not something I can do, unfortunately
if you have caught the ghost you can use the teleporter on the cartridge to bring it back
im stuck on cursed cartrage im up to getting the robot in the closet but dont know what else i can do
You can use the item you get from the teleporter on the ghost in the forest
I love the cursed cartridge halloween update thing, but i was doing the curse of debt and I think you forgot to have something weird happen to the robot bc he's just there like nothing's wrong
Oh, yeah I guess I did forget that, haha. Thanks for letting me know
please add more max sizes
I am kinda stuck with cursed cartridge. You must finish the game. Ok, i took item from locker and put it into teleportation, "you hear noise from your closet" ok, i am going to locker Room, there is nothing, maybe it is in the storage? Nope, there is place for user on terminal, but you can't do anything with it. Server is closed, train station is locked. You go back to teleportation and all you can do is retrieve, place and go back to main hall. What i can do? I don't understand
After teleporting it, it appears in your closet outside of the game
You can leave the game after it starts? Looks like i missed the possibility
What do I have to do to get the Cobalt and the Komodo to start dating?
Talk to the Komodo in battle about the kobold, then the day after that his gloves will stop working. Talk to him about that and you can get him to ask the Kobold out. After that, you can check in with each of them every few days and they'll have something to say about what's going on with them
What's up with the cursed cartridge?
Spooky Halloween Item
Nevermind, it forced me to learn what was up with it...
Honestly it's my favorite item just for the vibe it gives and the story it seems to tell.
is there a possibility to have extra woohoo scenes with the alligator? or special scenes when we defeat the enemy by fattening them?
There's just the one scene with the alligator for now but I want to do more with him later. As for defeating the enemy by making them fat, that is coming very soon! The update in a couple of days has a picture for when you beat the Alligator that way. Over the next couple of updates after that, the rest of the enemies will also get one
Nice! The alligator is one of my favourites, I would love to see more of him 💓
I saw a comment about the dragon in the bar after defeating him in the eating contest, do you have any other plans for him? I would love to have him as a fightable NPC (or romance, why not)
Same here, though I would think that might be available in the secret version of next year maybe? Here's hoping Ben Blue the dragon, assuming that is his name given he is the mascot of the restaurant, doesn't get neglected like the Rhino.
I do have more plans for him. I got burned out on writing a while back so I took a break from that side of things for a while, but I'm getting back into it. So maybe I'll get to working on him soon
For some reason whenever I do the curse of manliness, I can’t seem to find the donor card. Has it been removed?
It shouldn't have been removed. It's part of the randomized special items so it should be found at either the quest board, as a special at the supermarket, in a chest outside of the castle, or from completing the scene with the alligator.
If it's not there, then it's possible that there's a bug. One of these versions had a bug where you could get a duplicate item from the list of special items meaning you would miss out on one of the other ones
Yeah, I’m not seeing it. I’m trying multiple times and so far, nothing. This is all in the curse of manliness. Maybe you can give it a shot. Could just be me
It's probably bugged then. The next version is coming out in just a few days - I think it should be fixed then
Сделали бы вы что-нибудь вроде изображения нашего персонажа в зеркале?
Something like that is coming in V0.22, but it uses the enemy sprites that people commission from me.
is there a way for me to get close to the mysterious rogue?
You can get the introduction to a scene with him if you talk to him while he's not possessed. I still haven't written the scene yet though
hi i was just wondering why i cant download the game for some reason
it's saying that forbidden or failed when it's processing the download maybe someone could help me out
I'm not sure what would cause that. You could try again later. If it's still not working, maybe using this would help? https://itch.io/app
oh thank you soo much
Just asking, but how do I cast multiple spells per battle? And also is there anything in the castle after the priest and rogue?
The cleric and rogue are the only things in the castle for now. To cast multiple spells per battle, you need to beat the Cobra Warlock and you'll get a wand from him
I just wanna ask about the Unholy hollows. Is it suppose to give me options everytime i go there or is it suppose to be blank? The first time it gave mee options but now it wont do it again
Never mind, I just had to stop being a Werewolf
I would like to report a bug with the castle priest. When you use size reduction magic all his stats are erased and he is impossible to kill. He is the only enemy that has given me errors.
Thank you. That'll fixed in an upcoming update
I wonder if there will eventually be a new expansion to the city. It is surprisingly the weakest part of the game. Seriously, the characters are great. The city is kinda there but it has really interesting places. I do feel like the city should feel more alive. Like having silhouettes of non intractable characters going about their lives while having the main characters stand out. The city feels kinda like a medium rather than a city. I do feel like the city should get more shops for things like clothes, characterization, appliances, possibly an adult store, a few more areas and more meaningful and interesting random encounters. Otherwise it kinda just feels like an empty ghost town. Seriously, the only thing that feels more neglected than that is the Rhino. How long has it been since the Rhino got an update? Like seriously, when was the last time you edited the code for the Rhino?
It's been like two years since I did anything with the rhino, lol. If I think of more things to add to the city I will. I have to be selective about it though - I don't people having to sift through too many buttons to get to where they want to go.
Fair enough, but isn't fast travel a thing for that reason?
Also, damn, the Rhino's really forgettable. In fact, he is the character that is the least likely to be seen by players in my experience. I think most characters should have schedules you should have to learn about. So for example the Vampire Bat is an example of this. In the evening he cannot be encountered in the forest. Same with the turtle not being visitable when the tide is in. Even the dragon shouldn't be moping in the bar all day. Then again this is an urban fantasy world. Not everything has to make sense but it also is super cool if it does.
What's your design philosophy? I get a very animal crossing like feeling from this, I know it's an adventure game but it has that kind of feeling.
My design philosophy is if I think it's cool, I do it 🙂It's kind of just a big sandbox that I fill with stuff
It is indeed cool. I hope we can see more story for the characters.
Will you add female characters in future updates?
Not likely😔
That's sad, but I hope you create female characters someday so I and other people who are into girls will more enjoy your game.
im pretty sure all characters in furry games are male and gay
which is unfair to the heterosexual furries, yes they exist
ZOMG the straights aren’t being included in every single aspect of existence! Travesty! Certainly teh gheyz have never experienced such exclusion and erasure.
In the words of Mark Z Danielewski’s epigraph to The House of Leaves: This is not for you.
Not to beat a dead horse but the description literally states it's a game about "large furry men". I'm not sure why you thought there would be female character you can have sex with/get in this.
Also, there's multiple straight furry games out there that you can find. I'm not sure why you're complaining about a game obviously made for gay men.
I'm begging you, don't the straights have enough games, let us have at least something
when will you rework the pact quest to be a little more fair? because I don't like having to deliberately fail 2 pacts just to get an item that ultimately isn't worth the height loss, maybe make it so the Pact quest is simply making the pacts regardless of success or failure?
I had an unexpected idea to help the author of this game. I could come up with new mechanics and characters, a plot, and I can also draw certain sprites.
I appreciate it, but I can't really take help like that. If someone were to help me to that extent I would have to pay them and I can't afford to do that. But if you have ideas to share, I'm happy to hear those