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Hello McKruger, I have a suggestion for the game... There could be characters with hair similar to the one that grows on the rival's chest but longer and grown in areas such as the chest, legs, pubes or face. I mean... It would be great if there was an option to add that like "Hairy Mode" and have it applied to all characters. Or that, for certain characters, their "Hairy Mode" can be unlocked by talking to them or with a special item. I don't know... What do you think?


I have thought of doing something like that, but at some point a lot later on I want to redo a bunch of the battle sprites. So if I ever do anything like that I'll save it for then

I'm glad to know that you already had it in mind, even if it's to add in the future!  I love your work and it is one of the best games I have ever played!

Thank you!💚

Where I can find the new rival? 

He's only in the Curse of Competition

Ok, thank you!

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Hello,I have to say I really like your game and the characters, I also really liked the design of the rival, even I don't know which species is he hehe, keep going with this wonderful game,

also it's okay if I ask how I can battle against the rogue? I am kinda lost with that hehe >W<"

Hey! Thanks! You can find the rogue after beating all the enemies outside of the castle. Also, the rival is a leaf sheep

Oh I see, thank you so much answering, I can't wait to continue playing you game ^w^

Whats the word you have to meditate to use the ghost atlas?

If you had something happen while reading the ghost atlas, there will be a message on the computer with the word

Nothing happened. Is there a random chance for it to happen?

It's not a random chance. Maybe after reading the book you clicked the arrow on the top left instead of the back button?

in future updates we can have a relationship anybody?

If I ever do have things more in-depth than the scenes already in the game it won't be happening for a long time

This might be an oversight on my part or a bug, but it seems like everytime you use give strength or height on the Komodo Jock, and conclude the fight, he disappears from the junkyard. I've tried going back go the gym, but he isn't there as well.

Oh, thanks! I'll look into that

How do you combine the creatine and the Black XP potion, I can't seem to trigger anything for the alchemist

After giving him the empty xp bottle and buying a few xp potions you'll unlock the black xp potion. Then if you have a creatine and a black xp potion in your inventory you should have the option to combine them.

If you have both of those items and it's not showing up, then I'm not sure. The only thing I can think of is if you got the black xp potion through the VIP item menu then it might not show up until you go through the process of giving him the empty bottle

I liked the additions to the new update, but I found a bug.

You see, when I transform into a demon werewolf, I got to a point where I put on the curse that makes you tiny so I can do weights and not lose muscle, but at a certain point my body out of nowhere brings me back to being a normal werewolf (it says my body fought the transformation or something) and my stats literally turned N/A, I had no life, no stamina, and it didn't even repair when the curse was lifted

And since I was playing in the competition curse, I got a race and the opponent beat me (which wouldn't make sense because even without being a werewolf, I was faster and stronger than him).

obviously I'm not complaining, I'm just reporting the bug to let you know and see if you can fix it (I say this in case of offense, people already complained about me because I "criticize" the games being a nobody).

Oh, it's alright! I'll try to figure out why that happened. Thanks!

I had an idea for curse of competition. What if after you let the rival take as much size as he wants a few times (let's say 3 times) you get marked by him and a portion of the growth you get/receive gets transferred to him and the more he takes the stronger the mark gets (this could be removed at the church)


That could be cool. I'll write that down

Any idea what affects resist temptation when under a pact? Is it only RNG? I've only had success on it once and it keeps failing no matter what after that.


It has to do with your arousal rate. If you are really big you might need to meditate or use libido pills

Does anyone know for the komodo jock? like to convinced him to go for the kobold.


That's not in the game yet, but it's on the way!

How do you get creatine though? can't find some :((

It's one of the specials at the store

How do you find the white crystal?

There's a low chance you get it while exploring

The rival's sprites for clothes tearing don't appear to show up properly.

How so? Like when you use growth spells on him, they don't appear?

Yeah, it's just nothing.

This happened when I used the give fat spell in one of his ambushes.

Hm. Alright, I'll have to look into that then. Thank you!

I think it might have something to do with the sprite having glasses or not.

Who's the rival, and to proceed with 2nd of the competition?

I'm not sure what you're asking

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I have a problem with the Time Machine function in the android version. So basically it just doesn't work? I tried tapping it numerous  times but it doesn't proceed to download the backup file or anything. Could be just my phone, though, but I'm not sure

No, sorry! For now, it doesn't work on the Android version. 


This update is awesome! I'm a huge fan of muscle theft so the fact we can willingly give our size to the rival is amazing and what I was hoping for I just wish he had more dialogue about it and maybe tease us 

is there a way to remove the fat in the purple neacklease?

The ratio of Fat and Muscle you have without the necklace determines the ratio of stats it gives you

when you use the defense spell if the rival tries to attack the game crushes

Oh, really? Thanks, I'll look into it

I tried recreating this, but I can't seem to do so. The Rival has an attack that sometimes breaks but it gets fixed in the 19.2 version. I think that might be what happened. If you see an error message about <<AttackPick>> then that's it

When does the next update come out?

Right now!


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lmao I’m very a bad and hony guy when flirt the shark man. Sorry bro

I think I've officially maxed everything out and broke the game- I really don't know how to explain it,but I'm pretty sure I've done something

What should I do to destroy a ship in port?

you need to fight the crocodile pirate, talk to him and answer him in the right way until he is so drunk and fat that he can't fight anymore, then go to the port and you will see the destroyed ship and on the billboard in the port, you will find the captain lecturing the crocodile.

Answer the Pirate Alligator's 3 questions correctly (you'll need the stuffed animal from the store) and then go to the pier

Super excited for 0.19 once it appears. I do hope we can get to see more of the rival as a character rather than just a mechanic in the next version.

Oh yeah, the next one is the 2nd half of the Competition updates. The Rival gets a bit more characterization.


Oh yeah! I really like these characters. It's one of the things that makes this really solid. The mix of modern and fantasy gives far more free reign to make characters. Yet the characterization is what makes this game really pop for me. Cheers to more later!

You guys said there was a size two larger, but I can't find it. please tell me how to do it


Not sure what you mean. If you mean the level 2 curses - if you are playing the Curse of Manliness or Corpulence and you beat the Mysterious Rogue, then if you replay the curses there is an option in the Purple Room to make them stronger

To be precise, there is a food order on the computer. I can't get out of Extreme Large. In particular, even though I somehow got to the next step, it was difficult to find the final method. can you help me..?


If your max hunger gets high enough then you'll get a message on your computer that will unlock the other sizes

How to flirt with a shark and how many liters of semen are needed to make a shark's belly grow bigger

Every liter adds 2 pounds to him

Hello, can growing the shark's belly with semen be done in the free version?

Yup. It can take a lot though

LoL! I did not know that! How is that achieved??

It adds 2 to his fat stat for each litre of cum you produce. In a few updates I'll up that number to make it a bit easier

So cool! Thanks Mcruger! I love your work, I'm always waiting for a new update!

hey just want to let you know i love this alot  btw what is the next experience your gonna work on next???? ik you can't say much for being a game dev and everything but i would love to see what you got planned :3 


Hey! Thanks! You can check out here for what's coming up:
The next thing that's coming up is more stuff for the Curse of Competition and after that there will be a bunch of new stuff for the Curse of Debt

cool :

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At the beginning of the game, a room with two curses appears (I'm sorry, but I've been in it once and I don't remember the name). This time I did not go into it and it soon disappeared. Is there any way to summon the door leading to this room?

Edit: I still haven't figured out what to do with the forest knight. I threw both the usual and the dark potion of experience at him, and then there is no understanding of what to do

There is a hidden way to get back in the Purple Room. It starts by going to the temple at night to get a book, and requires you failing a pact.

For the Forest Knight, when he's small he'll be at the Gym. Lift enough weights to impress him and then compliment and grapple him in battle. If he's too big to be at the Gym then you can use a Black XP potion on him to set him back to level 1.

Thank you, and a couple more questions: will there be any bonuses for other playthroughs in the future when you reach the maximum or certain sizes? Maybe strengthening the starting curses (because I only managed to get a level 2 curse when activating a strange totem in the Purple Room), some items or quests, places? Expanding the capabilities of NG+, in short. Are you planning to change the replicas when interacting with the mirror? Because the description of the "type" of muscles stops changing quite early. And also, what is the meaning of Demonic Blood? I used it on myself, on a werewolf, but I didn't notice any changes (perhaps due to the fact that my parameters were already too large by this point). Otherwise, I'm waiting for answers and game updates. I really liked it, especially the way the text is structured here)

Oh, I forgot. If there are any cardinal differences between the races that I choose, can I tell you about them? The only thing I remember is the "Suppression" of dragons

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For now, the species you choose at the start is mostly cosmetic. The only real differences are different responses from the Giant Werewolf, and the Kobold Mage is more jealous of dragons so you need lower stats than usual to get good responses from him

For now, bonuses for other playthroughs are the level 2 curses, and some items you can start out with. I would like to do more eventually though. Same with the mirror stuff, I want to write more for that at some point

The Demon Blood is for making the Demon Werewolf transformation permanent. If you have the werewolf transformation from the Unholy Hollows and then use the demon blood you get a more powerful version of the transformation.

Will we get a slime enemy? asking for a friend 👉🏻👈🏻

There's no plans for that yet, but you never know

I need a tutorial on everything that can be done, and how to fuck everyone

For the Kobold there are 2 scenes, one where you need to be small (have stats close to when you start the game, you can maybe use a tiny elixir or a yellow berry to help with that) and one you can get if you wear the hat you get from the cobra

There are a few scenes at the Unholy Hollows and to get there you need to get the Giant Werewolf's business card. The way to get it is different depending on your species. You'll need him to confide in you about how he feels about humans and to do that you'll likely need to get him his moon artifact from the temple, remind him that you were the one to give it to him, and then talk about his tie

There's a scene with the cobra if you try casting the Spell of Love on him

For the Alligator Pirate, answer his three questions correctly then find him at the pier (you need the Stuff Animal item to be able to answer all of the questions)

For the Forest Knight, when he's small he'll be at the Gym. Lift enough weights to impress him and then compliment and grapple him in battle. If he's too big to be at the Gym then you can use a Black XP potion on him to set him back to level 1. The Black XP Potion can be bought from the Turtle Alchemist after bringing him an empty XP Bottle.

For the Smug Kangaroo, just wait until he's big and compliment his body.

To get to the scene at the shark's place you have to talk to the bat and shark at the bulletin board at night with at least one of them interested in you. For that to happen you either need to flirt with the shark and then apologize to him or talk to the bat about something he's interested in and then ask him to do something else once he's at stage 3. After the scene with them together you can get scenes with them individually by repeating the things that got them interested

Excuse me, how could I get the hat from cobra?

Compliment his outfit

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Odd question,but in the windows download of T.C.O.S 0.18 theres *images* in the status folder of a white crystal, a naga transformation and a alternate possession one,is there any way to obtain theee statuses?

The white crystal is an item that can be found by exploring, but it's rare. The naga transformation is a Patreon only thing. The alternate possession one is for if you attempt to use salt in the closet while you are possessed

Ahh... , does alt transform do anything special? , and for the naga (as im planning to subscribe anyway) what does it do differently from the dragon,vampire, or werewolf?

Almost forgot to ask about the crystal,too silly me.

The naga transformation gives some stat bonuses like the other transformations. It gives you a bite that injects the same venom the Cobra uses and a more powerful version of the Grapple attack that constricts the enemy. You can use the constrict on the Kobold to get an item that will increase your muscle based on the enemy's fat.
The White Crystal increases the amount of arousal you gain each turn in battle

How do I talk to the shark and Bat at the pier at night? they don't want to talk to me )=

You either need to flirt with the shark and then apologize to him or talk to the bat about something he's interested in and then ask him to do something else once he's at stage 3. You can then talk to them at the pier and after the scene with them together you can get scenes with them individually by repeating the things that got them interested

How do I use the ghost Atlas?

Read it in the closet for a bit until something happens. Check the messages on your computer and make sure you've failed a pact at the temple

What kind of message am I supposed to get?

A glitchy message, but it will give you a word to use somewhere.

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How many times am I supposed to read it to get that message?

Also what does the purple shard necklace do?

You just need the message once. If you've failed a pact, you can use the word at the temple.
If you're wearing the purple shard necklace, try using salt against the ghost

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What do all the curses do?

Also how do I beat the dragon after eating contest?

The main ones at the start or the ones the Cobra can give you?

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the main ones.

Corpulence makes you gain fat each night and makes it so you can't lose fat by exercising. Manliness makes you gain muscle each night and you can't lose muscle by not working out. Debt makes you have to pay off a large amount of money by selling/buying stats. Competition has you fight a rival where the winner takes stats from the loser. Nothingness just gives you some bonus money

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how i made to turn every enemy fat in battle?

You can get spells from the Kobold in the Junkyard. To cast them you'll either need to equip the focus stone or get the wand from beating the Cobra

How do I use the XP potion?

You use it while fighting the Forest Knight

It would be nice if you added information about how many food points each option gives you when ordering food

Please do this 🙏🙏🙏

Sure, that's a good idea


How to flirt with sharks in any mode


If you flirt with the shark and then apologize, the battle will end and you'll be able to get a scene with him and the bat if you find them at the pier's bulletin board. After that, flirting with him again can lead to another scene

is anyone having problems with the time machine saves?

i'm playing on browser and i decided to save to disk my file with the time machine (i also made  a regular sve just in case), but when loading that file it says that the file is missing something or is corrupted
Any suggestions?


Sorry about that! If it says it's corrupted, then it's possible that something went wrong when the file was downloaded and there isn't really anything that can be done about that.
The Time Machine works best for the downloadable PC version. I'm not sure if the issue that caused that was on my end or not but there could be problems because constantly testing that takes up too much time - especially considering I intended the game to be played through multiple times anyway. I should have a warning about that at the start so people don't get disappointed about losing saves

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thanks for replying, don't worry, it happens

edit:just downloaded it(v18 for windows) still get the same message LOL

Maybe i'm doing something wrong but i can't put my finger in what 

What determines if you win the race against your rival?


It's a random chance influenced by the difference in height and energy between both of you.

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