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(2 edits)

I just remembered a few bugs/context errors.

I know one of them is a definite context error, but pretty hilarious in its own right. If you fish up the defense spell first, then you'll automatically unlock all the spells to buy in the store. So you won't go through the miscommunication with the Kobold if you do it first.

Second is the fact that you can meet the turtle at doorstore during dusk while the tide is up which is kinda goofy on its own. Since you can't enter while it is dusk. 

Third, when failing a pact with Sophrosyne, if your muscle is less than one, it is hilariously set to 1 when you fail. Meaning that even the god of chastity is merciful.


It's good you point errors and stuff out - I hardly have time to test things out and notice these things myself. For the second one though, I thought of that I just decided to keep it. I thought I'd rather people not possibly miss out on that interaction just because they went at the wrong time. But I don't know, maybe it would be worth it to keep that consistent. Or maybe he just camps out until morning so he can get back home.🤭

If so maybe we could see him.

Hi! Absolutely loved the game, it gained my interest in ways I cant explain which just makes it better for me, but I've got to ask, how do I complete the quest where we have to find out a use for xp bottles?

Hey! Thanks! And to do that quest, you get the bottle from Winner's and then it can be used in battle against the Forest Knight


I had a mechanic idea, so you know how your character has an arousal meter? Well, I felt it was odd there were no negative effects to ejaculating mid fight. I think it would be interesting if both the player and the other characters had arousal meters that when maxed out could result in stamina loss and having to recover. This is mostly an idea for the new upcoming stamina system. So this means wizards can't just be aroused all the time and fire off spells, nah, they have to make sure they manage that arousal. 


That's a possibility. I'd have to rethink some things though

Hopefully it isn't too much work. I don't exactly want to stress you out.


Don't worry, you can feel free to suggest things. If I think a suggestion isn't worth the effort then I just won't do it

Nice to hear! I like blunt honesty sometimes.

At some point you get so large that no amount of money is enough to buy enough food to even cover a fraction of your hunger. Can you add a way to get infinite food once you reach a certain size?


Maybe. It's just there has to be some limit to how big you can get. If you get so big that you can't possibly feed yourself then that could just be an endpoint

There is a limit and I have reached it, 9e+99. That is the current numerical limit for the game. Any higher and things begin to break.

(1 edit)

Technically there is a source of infinite food: The Warlock. You just need to eat his cupcakes after using the love spell and ask for more.


I love the details that are put into this game with how interconnected everyone's stories are! That is what I love the most about this game. Not just that it is a funny growth and fuck RPG. But also the story and characterization.


Thank you 💚

How do you get the dragon transformation?

Get the Kobold's number.

You need the kobold's number, which you can get by being small and complimenting his muscles when he's big or you can talk to him while wearing the wizard's hat. You also need to get to the unholy hollows which you can do by getting the moon artifact from the temple and giving it to the werewolf. You'll then have to talk to the wolf again and get him to give you his business card


I just realized something. It didn't even occur to me until I actually thought about it.

The spells that you find after the ship sinks most likely are the ones that the Kobold might have been expecting in a shipment that had possibly been raided.


Yup 🙂

Thinking about it now, I am surprised that there isn't a negative to arousal aside from spending an hour getting rid of it. The only thing I can think of is the temple of light, even then you can choose to have that effect.


I'm going to try to come up with some ideas for curses based on what is already here in terms of game mechanics.

The Curse of Swapping Scales: Fat and Muscle values will switch after sleeping every night. This also applies to enemies, making for a unique experience. Some enemies will have higher stamina to compensate for this.

The Curse of Boyfriend: While I know this is in development, the curse itself could be an interesting concept. Your character's goal is to get the boyfriend to get out of his apartment. Due to the boyfriend's hermit nature, or the convince of writing, the boyfriend cannot outgrow the apartment due to him having it enchanted to be bigger on the inside. The boyfriend will have a job, allowing for a daily income after every night. He also has moods and wants. I see a lot of potential for this curse, as for the upgraded version, the boyfriend might lock you in the apartment with him so you don't leave and he doesn't have to leave either. It can lead to a fight, which you either beat some sense into him or talk sense into him. Otherwise he's a sweet and shy guy.

The Curse of Possession: The Ghost possesses you in the beginning of the game but also can visibly decrease your stats outside of battle and sometimes refuses to manifest on certain days. Meaning you cannot just rely on the spirit. You have to find a balance between your power and the spirit's power.

Those are the only curses I can think of right at the moment. So I'll make sure to add more curse ideas later!

(1 edit)

I had an idea for curse of competition. You should add a feature that allows you to choose the starting size of the rival. Also, maybe a way to make him grow when you visit him at the gym (feed him your own potions or bring the evil ghost to him? After which the rival uses the ghost to take muscle from you )


Ah, yeah, I'm actually working on curse of competition stuff right now. I think I might do some of that


How to fuck a shark?

To get to the scene at the shark's place you have to talk to the bat and shark at the bulletin board at night with at least one of them interested in you. For that to happen you either need to flirt with the shark and then apologize to him or talk to the bat about something he's interested in and then ask him to do something else once he's at stage 3. After the scene with them together you can get scenes with them individually by repeating the things that got them interested


You know there's a lot of scenes with the PC being forced to grow by others, perhaps we could have more scenes where the PC causes other characters to grow. I assume having the PC top would cause possible instances much like the Shark after you fill him up too much.


Maybe, yeah. That's a different way I can do things


Really love this update! One thing I'd really want to see is an option to give the ghost your size willingly like how you can give the vampire bat it

I might do that, but the Pacifist Bracelet item can do that, it's just only in the VIP+ versions


I wonder if the Dragon will eventually have a scene where you force feed him so he can compete against your size in the grill eating contest. That 2000 dollars is his paycheck!

Is there a specific time that the forest knight appears in the gym or is it simply random?

I think he appears early in the morning when he is still skinny. So I think sometime before noon.

alright, thanks.

Ah, nice, I just got dealt NaN damage. XD

Looks like the general number limit is 9e+99... Any larger and things begin to break.


Shark is Beached.


There is no way in hell he is getting rid of all that. No amount of exercise in the ocean can help with that. Nor the medication, since even that has it's limits and has side effects with shark chum of all things.

Honestly there should be a scene where he becomes hedonistic for food after you fill him up like this and you and the Bat have to keep him from completely bankrupting the Bat. We love you Himbo Shark, but you better watch your waistline.

It is the story paths that appear in my mind like that which gives this game's characters rent free space in my mind. Yeah, I can't wait for January to come any time soon. 

I'm going to do some challenge experimentation for this run. Not sure what exactly but I might look into using the temple more since I use potions far too much to grow.

Just noticed the dragon transformation was changed. Interesting, unless I didn't notice, this one gives more fat.

The dragon transformation will give either more fat or muscle depending on which one you have more of

Ah ok, this time I was going for a fat run until I beat the Rogue. The hardest enemy was the Warlock. Cause of his exponential growth based on fat, i had to grab a few stone potions and use the hex of fattening to beat him. Overall, loving what I am finding in this update so far.

Interesting thing I just found, aside from the fact I made the numbers go to exponentials...

I like what you did with the rogue worship option allowing him time to gossip. Also, the fact that when you use the demand worship option on the Rogue causes the Ghost to be like: Oh your body is bigger, makes me laugh.

Looks like we're getting 0.14.2 soon.

(1 edit)

Here we go!

So sometimes within this week, the new update will drop.


when is the new update may I ask ? 

I wonder if it would be possible to expand upon Starstriker's story, apparently it is something the T-red knight is familiar with... Maybe perhaps we can have a museum or something? Wouldn't that be cool. I'm getting so many ideas of what could be possible. I'm sorry but I keep coming back to the idea of the Avian Party member being cursed as a statue and you have to free him from his prison by enchanting the sword or something. It would be kind of funny if he was a statue found from the bottom of the ocean. There is so much potential for story here.

I love this game it’s so much fun but I have a question how do you do the fat dragon?


So far that's only a VIP+ patreon thing

Kinda curious, but do you ever plan on making a walkthrough? I just keep finding tons of little things I never knew about, like waiting in the Ghost Atlas and using the PC message in Meditation! I missed that for ages! So I'm always wondering what else I missed and that might be going over my head.

I'll probably end up adding more in-game hints to things like that, but I don't think I'll make a walkthrough. I'll leave it for other people to figure things out and do that if they want

Yeah, I think if you had segments like the Cartridge or the atlas it would be cool. Think of it like this: each item has a purpose and some have a story behind them. What that purpose and story is must be found by the player. Especially perhaps different ways to make curses like upcoming the curse of the growing boyfriend interesting. 


when you abuse being fat

I have a idea for "the curse of nothing" as a idea you should be able to combine another curse with it so you can use the belly flop move while in the sandbox mode.

Unless I messed up, you should be able to get the belly flop move from the captain at the pier

It works I tested it


guys i buffed the snake so much to the point that i couldn’t kill it 😂😂😂😂 had fun in the game hope new updates soon and please can you add a threshold to the snake on how much health it can take❤️

I'm excited to see what character story teasers or ideas might be shown to us once you release the next update. I'm thinking this will be a blast!

The next thing is the 2nd half of the Rogue stuff. Next will be a new Komodo Jock enemy, then after that is the scene for the Smug Kangaroo

how do i get the ghost

Talk to the rogue to the point of annoying the ghost and he possesses you. Though the monks from the temple will eventually remove the ghost.


How do you fuck the forest knight?


Impress him by lifting heavy weights when he's at the gym, then in battle compliment and grapple him


How to fuck a shark?

(1 edit)

i'm still confusing about how to get inside the curse castle... please help :y

You have to beat all three of the guardians of the castle in order to get into the castle's interior. So you beat the Warlock Serpent, the Kangaroo and the Vampire Bat.

i have done it but i can't still get inside :<

Weird... Try fighting them again, like try fighting maybe the Warlock or the Bar again and see if you might have not done it correctly.

Is there a way to fuck the kangaroo


Not yet, but it's what I'm working on right now

I still can’t quite figure out what to do after getting the Ghost Atlas, even after failing a pact and having the cursed message sent to my inbox.

You go meditate with the word from the cursed message.

Wait how do yo get the Ghost atlas?

Fail a pact then go to the Temple until you get a book from Sebastian.

You actually have to go to the temple at night in order to get the book

Really? I never noticed... Most of the time I guess it was in the evening. Still however, that detail went over my head.

Excuse me, how to get a cursed message?

did it already update or is it gonna update soon

Nope, sorry, the next update will be in December

I do hope when the overweight sprites for the Rogue and Ghost come for public that characters note your crystal horns. It is not something that you can easily overlook when they are purple. I might play through the game again to see if there are any more context errors like with the Raven and the Pier. 

I do feel like certain interactions with characters should have different effects like with what happens with the shark of you are big enough. I like it when doing something has consequences so you can't simply rely on one trick to level up in this game. Though that could be it's own separate curse, the curse of difficulty perhaps? Making the game much harder and perhaps changing some things to be all around just more difficult. Just a personal preference of course since I like challenging games.

Is there a certain trick you rely on to get bigger? I was thinking of doing things to make it more difficult, but I also wouldn't want to fully remove tricks that get you big quickly. I'd probably have settings in the purple room that affect difficulty

It's mostly due to how many mushrooms that the T-Rex gives when you do his scene. That gives me access to more of the Alchemist's potions much faster than I should. If anything the alchemist should take some time trying to do the recipes and having you test them rather than them being perfect automatically.

I get so big to the point where I have to go to the Serpent Warlock to get enough food to not go broke. XD

Honestly I need to learn that infinite food spell after possibly doing a side quest to help the Warlock and the Wizard with something. I mean the Kobold mentions he made one after you become a dragon and order him to make a meal. The Warlock Serpent also seems to have a near infinite supply of pastries... 

I wonder if the Avian party member will have customizable clothing and such. If that is the case then this character is going to require loads of art assets. Granted it could be made to fit over the sprite rather than be the same sprite but that could still be interesting to have.


Eh, that's probably not happening. It's already enough work to give some of the enemies Halloween versions

(1 edit)

It's alright, I'm happy with the game nonetheless! I expected it to be a lot of work. It was enough to give alt costumes as it was. It'll probably be limited to pallet swaps at best if it was the case.

You know, it would be interesting if later on you can have hang outs with some of the characters. For example, hanging out a day with the alchemist and sleeping over with some platonic nerd out! This mostly stemmed from the realization we don't really know where the T-Rex Knight goes after some time.


There'll be plenty of more character stuff eventually!

What is with the stuffed toy?

It sits on your bed 🙂

Just like the Freddles.

I am gonna wait a full month, until the next update! Happy Halloween Ruger! 

I hope that next update has some really cool bits and pieces added aside from the revamp of the evil spirit. Speaking of which, can we get name reveals for the characters later on? 

Seeing as though you haven't decided on anything we may start giving them names.

Probably not 🤭 I'm thinking I'm probably not ever going to give names to the characters that don't already have them.

How exactly do you find the password for the Employee Locker room? I can't figure it out.

You can't actually find a password. Just don't worry about it for now - you'll find a way to open it later

I don't really understand what I'm supposed to do, then. People are saying you can get a User Retrieval Device, but I can't find that anywhere.

If you continue into the server room you'll find a device that you end up breaking. If you continue playing the game normally after that then you'll eventually get to the part with the user retrieval device

(2 edits)

Oh! The game said my character "didn't feel like playing it" afterwards, so I assumed I was just locked out of it.

server room?

It's part of a Halloween event that's only available in October

Oh God I was able to get my stats up to the e numbers. XD.

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