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will there be an option to join the the church of pure light in the future 

Possibly. I've thought about it before but I'm still not really sure what I want to do with that yet

Is the milking kit bolted to "home" or am I missing a "take with me" command somewhere?


Oh yeah, right now it's only usable at home


Damn fun little game. Kinda wish the Kangaroo was finished. He's pretty hot.

How do you get Kobold number?

There are a couple of ways. You can either be small and compliment his muscles when he gets big, or you can talk to him while wearing a wizard hat

Thanks for the quick reply, didn't expect it to be this fast o.o

What do you mean?


If you get one of the sex scenes with the Kobold he'll give you his phone number that you can use if you've found the Unholy Hollows

Nice. Is there anything similar with the forest night? Poor guy is still insecure even after he's ticker than most guys are long


There's nothing like that for him yet. Stuff for him will be coming in May/June though



How do I get the unholy hollows

You'll have to give the Giant Werewolf his moon artifact from the temple, and then talk to him some more until he gives you his business card

Thanks great game btw

Deleted post

Oh, is it bugged? You'll have a different icon in the sidebar when you should be experiencing side effects. And when you do your strength will be lowered, you won't gain muscle from working out, and you should gain a bit of fat each night. It could also be from using the testosterone injections since those get rid of the side effects.

I think I missed it on the last update, but how do you revert the transformations from the Unholy Hollows if you want to try another one?

Deleted post

Yeah that was it! Thanks a lot!

Deleted 1 year ago

It will get done when it gets done. I'm just one guy


I absolutely adore this game, from the art style to the quirky nature of the NPCs!

I do genuinely hope there's more interactions with being *much smaller* than the NPCs in a future update, however! I know that's not really the intent of the game, but it's something I'd really love to see, being action figure sized (or smaller!) to some of the guys instead of growing to be the biggest.


Hey, thanks a lot! And yeah, interactions with you being small would be good. I'm hoping to get around to that eventually.

(2 edits) (+1)

Noticed in 0.10.2 when you go to the hollows and have sex with the werewolf and take the dominant role, near the end when the two of you are getting off the description reads  "The feeling sends you over the edge as well, though your load is nearly nothing compared to his. You just provide some gooey filling to the dick sandwich you two have created."

despite my character being literally four times his size, having been described earlier as "far larger than the werewolf" And making over 10,000 dollars from the collection facility with each release

either theres an error somewhere or that wolf has some hyper dense collapsed stars for balls ready to flood the continent lol

also I'm not sure if this one is intentional or not but after completing that sequence and being turned into a werewolf when i go back to the hollows there are no longer any options but to leave

also just noticed that when the effects of the purple berry are wearing off it will still say "You spontaneously grow larger" when you shrink back down

Ah, 'kay thanks a lot. I'll look into these.

Otherwise, excellent work on this update <3

Realy fun game, though i wish you could fuck the vamprie... and fished for ages (with chum) but never got any shark

You can't fish up the shark at night because he and the bat will be hanging out at the bulletin board. It's also possible to fuck the vampire if you talk to them there.

Thank you. Two hours of play and still one ir two things i missed

Hey, idea I had, it would be really cool if you could know what is beeing done with the cum you donate, like "you impregnated x women"

Should be relatively simple to implement, just a fraction of donated cum

Sure, yeah I could do that

(1 edit)

Sorry if I bothered you btw, I know it can be annoying to developers when people start barraging them with requests

Also I love the Wario pill, it's hilarious and was probably a lot of work


Haha, no don't worry, it's fine. And thank you!

Great game, MCRuger, I enjoy laying this a lot mainly to goof around. This is probably one of the buffest-furry-manly games I played, keep up the great work!

Now… I must get back to my containment, talk to you soon!


Thank you, SCP-106!


You are very much welcome!

Are there plans to add more NPCs?


Oh yeah, haha, there are a bunch that are planned. In due time!

(1 edit)

I wonder what they are going to be though! But that spoil the surprise!


Man I am absolutely in LOVE with the alligator and cobra.. I almost wish you could rub the former's belly in a talk option or something, but man, so far this game is great! 

Hey, thanks a lot! It'll be a while but there'll be plenty more with those two coming

This game is really dang good so far, I love it! I think it COULD use a guide for hints on stuff maybe? eg. the cursed book, i got a message, but i dont, know what to do next? and so on...

I've also got ideas, that I'm sure ye already had! The alligator pirate, I'd love to be able to talk about the poetry you can fish up with them? I ASSUME its theirs, or another pirates, but itd also be nice to talk to them, (plus maybe a scene with them after becoming friends and they drink too big to fight... Maybe a talk option to encourage them to chug?)

Already been said, but the snake warlock is really sweet, and I'd love to be able to help them somehow, and or just see them and the kobold wizard interact more? Maybe get together for a tea party or warhammer with the lads,

Hey! Thank you! It might be a while before I get to it all but a hint system and more interactions with the alligator, cobra, and kobold are on the way!

Deleted post

Aw man, I thought I got rid of all the infinity stats. Oh well I'll get that fixed. And a giant slime is a good idea, or at least I'll eventually find some other things for you to do with all that hunger

This an awesome game ! But I don't know how to find the place with the cobra warlock, I found it once randomly but I don't know how to do

If I may, it would be quite good to add an ability to reduce damage from an attack (like the kobold's ability)


You can find the Castle area by beating the enemies in the forest, and you can find the cobra there, then you can explore to find the underpass.


Had a ton of fun with this game. Played through each of the modes and think debt is my favourite. I know you're working on more content and I'm really excited to see what's coming, and I thought I'd leave a couple of QoL suggestions that shouldn't take too much extra work to implement and make the game feel smoother.

- Allow the player character to enter the "order food" menu at the restaurant. This reduces the amount of menus you need to navigate through once you're working out at the gym or junkyard.

- Add a list of non-consumable shop specials. This lets you see if you're missing anything important - it took me a couple of playthroughs to realise you could get the key and lock.

Looking forward to future updates!

Hey! Thanks, glad you liked it!

Right now I'm working on something that will let you set 'fast-travel' points so you click on a button in the sidebar to quickly go to whatever page you set. So that should make it easier to order food after working out.

For the non-consumable specials, I'll consider that. I just haven't thought much about the way store specials work since I was planning on eventually moving a lot of those items to other locations.

Does anyone know how to get the unholy hollows. Been talking to the werewolf but got nothing


If you've given him the moon artifact there are things you can say to get him to talk about not being able to eat people. Then you can tell him to always be himself

(1 edit)

how do I get the artifact out of the temple. I know there’s something, do I pray to the dirty or something like that.

I figured out how to get the artifact. You need to steal it. You need to talk to the lion priest about it.

The download doesn't want to launch and the browser one doesn't have any saves of my previous play. why is that happening and how do i fix it?

I'm not sure why the download won't launch but maybe you can just try that again later. And only Time Machine saves will work between different versions. If you were using the download for the old version, you can open that up and go to the Computer and make a Time Machine save, then when you play the new version there's a button to load Time Machine saves on the starting page

(1 edit)

I was thinking about maybe adding images for the player. Where there are a bunch of different body images for different fat height and muscle levels, and overlay images for different bodyparts ,head types, and general sizes. I think it would be cool to visually see your character and their progression.


Yeah, that would be cool. Unfortunately that would be a crapton of work, so it's not likely that that will happen, at least not anytime soon.


I think it would be better to add weight gain scenes for other characters


There's some more weight gain stuff coming in March/April. Enemies will be getting more pictures, which will mostly be fatter versions of them

(4 edits)

I love the game! It is so addicting! Although, the money is so easy to get that you become rich in later game, I felt like I can spend on anything which gave me a few ideas. I was thinking having situations where you can throw lots of it like funding certain places (maybe a new place?). Maybe helping out the monsters by paying for food or equipment to give them new base stat? Every time I walk to the Warlock, I’m like “He’s a nice guy, he’s helpful, and I have a loads of money that pretty much doesn’t matter to me.” So I’m like why can’t I buy him a home? Maybe that would lead to some new dialogue or something? For all I care, maybe something that is meant to waste it all like a hole to throw it down? I hope it helps anyhow in the future! 

Also I saw somewhere about the sword equal for the corpulence, I am thinking that chest plate with spikes would work? I hope this solution helps! Thank you for reading this, I hope you are enjoying your vacation! 

Yup, these are some helpful suggestions. I have some ideas for the cobra in the future and I might end up doing something like you said. 

Thanks, and have a happy new year!

my stats got insanely large but why did they start going down each day when i’m not inflicted with anything??

I think it's because if you don't eat/work out enough then your muscles will start to deplete.

here’s the thing though, it happened after eating. also the junkyard’s weights arent enough for me either, and isnt the curse of manliness supposed to make me keep growing despite not working out?

It's possible that at extreme sizes that the effects of not working out outpace the effects of the curse


When will the next update be released, my friend, I'm waiting 


It'll be about a week into January

Thank you friend this game is very cool what a pity it does not have for Android 

Thank you friend this game is very cool what a pity it does not have for Android 

man i cant wait


this probably sounds like a bad suggestion and could possibly be already said or in consideration but, I think that a item that allows or if using the vial of werewolf blood enough would turn you into a permeant werewolf


A permanent werewolf transformation is coming out in the next update!


really really great game
though some thoughts i had in no particular order:

- i think the cobra sex scene triggers at a certain fat:muscle ratio? but you should probably put some hard cap on the number of turns before the scene starts or something, cause when i did it i was so big with so much muscle that i was stuck eating cupcakes for a few dozen turns or so before the game finally let me out after like 10 minutes lol

- for the kangaroo, at a certain point im large enough that i cum every turn no matter what. this is only really a problem cause it automatically feeds his ego and i cant cast any magic or stop it, so its probably best to just add a yes/no prompt so you can choose whether or not you feed his ego

- i think you should add an infinite money setting and maybe some other cheat-type things to the settings for the curse of nothing. maybe like theyre available to activate from a menu by default in that mode, but for other curses you can click a box to enable said menu or something. maybe like, a setting that lets the curse of virility last indefinitely, an "insomnia" infinite hours cheat, a thing that lets you toggle all the effects/curses, etc

- for the shark/bat threesome scene, i feel like theres a faulty/missing muscle stat check? i might be wrong but it feels like the game thinks that, while i do have a larger dick than the shark, im smaller than him, when that isnt true

- a turtle potion brewer sex scene during his fight that (possibly) differs depending on how big he is when you make the proposition would be really great

- similarly i think there could be a sex scene with the werewolf depending on if you used a vial of blood? though i know theres already something like that in the works so idk

-i also think there could be a sex scene if you masturbate at the junkyard after working out, without going to the collection center, after having a dark forest sex scene with/befriending the kobold mage

-you really should add a message on the calendar or something for how long it takes the berries to grow, i think its the only thing that doesnt tell you how long until you can reuse it. also, i feel like 4 weeks or 30 days or whatever is a really long time to wait, though idk if thats just the purple berry because of how good it is or not.

Hey, thanks for all the suggestions! I'll definitely look into any issues with the cobra, kangaroo, and the bat/shark scene. And the berry dates in the calendar are a good idea too.

For things like cheats and infinite money - that sort of stuff is mostly taken care of by a cheat menu in the VIP version.

The next couple of updates will have a scene with the werewolf and there'll be a new scene with the kobold too.

Never mind, I beat the cobra warlock

I cant beat the cobra warlock! I need help

(1 edit)

I noticed in on patreon you had mentioned comissions, so I was wondering what would be some examples? 

Also is it intentional for the Smug Kangaroo to not keep his stats from his past “interactions” or is there something I’m not doing right?

An item that would be interesting for New Years would be Fireworks 

Description: An limited item that can be obtained from beating the Dragon as you beat his New Years goal of Beating you (the player) in an eating competition) what would it do?: it would be used as a weapon that could with med (50/50) chance to deal fire damage for two turns. Note it would be a quest item, 

Also another flaw that I noticed is that there is a certain point for players who grind in Curse of Corpulence, that if your strength gets too low you won’t be able to restock the pills.

Also I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!


For commissions I'll be figuring out pricing and showing examples closer to the time I actually start taking them. I still have to think about that more.

The Smug Kangaroo only keeps his stats up to a certain point. He'll never start the battle past stage 2.

There is a fireworks item coming - it'll be in the next update.

And the pills - yeah, for a while there's gonna be issues with them until I figure out what I actually want to do with them

(1 edit)

Whats in the Halloween version thats different than the main one? And what gifts can you get for the wolf.

For the Halloween version enemies wear costumes, they drop candies that have a bunch of different effects, you can get a pet spider at the magic shop, and you can find a cursed video game cartridge that leads to a spooky sidequest.

For the wolf, the gift you can give him is the moon shaped thing at the temple


Fun game, it's fun to bulk yourself up and become hotter

But I feel like there's a lack of people to fuck once you become hot, and the numbers start balooning to the point where it's just ridiculous


Yeah, more sex scenes are in the works. Also, I eventually want to do things that prevent your stats from getting out of hand too quickly, such as a character that can permanently teal your size

Deleted post

Yup. At some point I'll be making those buttons better

whats the difference between the downloads?


V0.9 is the latest free version. The Curse of Spookiness was a Halloween version of the game. 

To let you know please add platform tags so people on the launcher can download it without their browser

Oh, sure thing! Thanks for telling me.

Thank you


What if there was a curse that worked like forest knights leveling mechanic?

Youd get limited by your level cap, and till you level up through activities and defeating the residents of the forest or someone else the actions that grant you muscle, fat and other stats just dont?

Maybe when you reach the level cap the growth halts, but when you reach new level you get the changes stored since you grinded for them whilst being capped?

Just a thought.
Also i think there should be a weapon on the same level like the sword that utilizes your fat, cus right now belly flop feels less usefull because strike can scale with Gain power spell.

Ooh, I like the idea of having a levelling mechanic as a curse. I'll definitely consider that. And yeah, I'll think of a way to have fat be more useful in battle

what exactly is the drop rate for the super tiny elixir cause I cannot seem to get one from the alchemist at all

If you've given him enough mushrooms to fight him, every 3 mushrooms after that he has a 50/50 chance of either giving you a super tiny elixir or a mega mystery elixir

Ohhhh that explains it. i thought it was a potential reward for battling him. thank you!

some new sex scene arrived

Not this update, but there'll be a few coming in February

Really like the design of the smug kangaroo. He's definitely hot, but bringing his ego down is definitely satisfying, lmao
Can't wait for his scenes

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