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Did the pier get removed, or does it have to be unlocked?

You should be able to find it by exploring

It says in the description the game was updated five days ago (as of October 6th) and when I checked on the patreon it said that the curse of Spookiness had been released, so I went on to check if the curse was there and it’s not so do I need to go to the Underpass and get the Curse of Spookiness or has there been a delay of some sort?

Also if there is a delay will this be the version with the Smug Kangeroo. 

Oh sorry, but no the free version isn't out yet. It'll be out on the 13th

I feel so confused, I'm not able to date with anybody. The only sex scene I was able to unlock was with the kobold in the dark forest.

For now there are only 3 other characters that you can fuck.

For the Cobra, you just need to use the Love Spell on him and you'll get his sex scene.

The bat is more complicated. At night you can find the bat and the shark at the pier's bulletin board. If at least one of them is interested in you, then you can fuck them. For them to be interested in you, you either need to flirt with and then apologize to the shark, or talk to the bat about something he's interested in and then once he's bigger ask to do something other than fight. 

After you do the scene with both the bat and the shark, you can get more scenes with them by basically repeating the same thing that makes them interested in you

I was expecting something if you try to show off some sword moves to forest knight.

There are going to be scenes for the wolf, alligator, and forest knight coming in a few updates

(1 edit) (-1)

This comment is in response to the reading of the previous comment.

I’m assuming that will be after version 0.10 to 0.13 the Lab area will be, I also think it would be useful to have an in game purchaseable/find/obtainable notebook that you could not only write in but would also tell a story that morphs based off of the actions that are done but in a Day 1 you did this this and this this Day 2 that that and that and so on to keep track of the events that have happened so that you don’t forget how far you are into the story. 

One other suggestion/question if this isn’t added already (I haven’t had time to mess around with the save to much) does/will the patreon acquired items transfer to the browser version when loading or is that to complex for the game to handle? 

Also is there any plans for even a single female character to spice things up and will there be feral characters aswell to act as counterparts to the anthro characters, btw is there any way to get the skills from different curses such as the skill (i forgot the first part which gave me a bright idea i’ll mention later in this comment about a skill) the Final Flop (forgive me if I miss-named/mispelled it). 

One final idea I had while commenting was a skill (two skills actually) ((that makes you forget the move you were going to do (or the opponent)) (Forgotten Move Type: (Basic))

And one new spell could be the Spell of Species Swapping (for after you’ve transformed, you then for the next 2 battles are able to turn into the previous oppenents species.

Edit: I also agree with the previous comment regarding that the hospital doesn’t have much to offer currently

Hm, the notebook idea is neat. I'm not sure how much use people would get out of it, but maybe at some point I could do something like that.

For patreon items, what happens is that the quests and their rewards reset when you load a time machine file. And any other items you should keep as long as they exist in the version that you loaded into.

I haven't really thought about adding female or feral characters, but I'm not opposed to it, so I might do that eventually. Also I'm pretty sure all skills are available in every curse - the skills that are offered just depend on your stats at the time.

I'm not sure what you mean with the forgotten move, but a transformation spell would be cool - I'll probably end up doing that

I meant with the Forgetten Move as that could be the name of it and what it does would be it makes you forget your move but the next one makes your next move more beneficial.

Ah, I see. Eh, I'm not really sure I like the idea of forgetting moves. I like being able to have moves be a way to unlock sex scenes and whatnot, so if you can lose a move then you'd never be able to get that scene.

Deleted post

Hey thanks!

These are some cool ideas, actually a few of them are pretty similar to things I have in mind - there is going to be a sort of lab area after the castle.

Also I like the trans flag theory!

Hey! I have a quick question. Neither the bat nor the shark are interested in me, any help? also is there going to be a way to transform into something permanently, like the blood?

Hey! For them to be interested in you, you either need to flirt with and then apologize to the shark, or talk to the bat about something he's interested in and then once he's bigger ask to do something other than fight. 

As for transformations, that's coming. In January's free version, there's going to be a cave where if you fuck someone there you permanently transform and there'll be a permanent werewolf transformation. Later there'll be a permanent dragon transformation and maybe more transformations if I have time to write more scenes.

(1 edit)

When you say permanent does that you mean that you can’t transform back into the previous species selected at the beginning of the game initially?  ((I.e load save file message pops up saying would you like to transform to this species/specimen Y/N… Continue…) Then in later update with the Dragon how am I to change into him, if its a permanent transformation using save file with old but still “permanent” transformation; my reasoning for asking is I don’t want to run into a glitch) 

Also is there a way to get Patreon version on the browser?

By permanent, I just mean it doesn't go away at night. There will be a way to remove transformations.

And for the patreon versions, you have to download them to play

Hey, about the interested thing. I've done that, and neither of them triggered...

If you use the chum at the pier -> fish -> start the battle with the shark -> flirt -> apologize, it will trigger


No, I mean that nothing happened. I've done both around 20 times...

And then you talked to them at the pier's bulletin board and they still won't talk to you?

(2 edits)

I appreciate you adding my old suggestions about the units. In December will the game receive updates, or will it receive a double update in January since you’re taking a break in December, also when the Winners Bar update comes out, will players (such as myself) have to complete a specific task of somesort or will it already be unlocked automatically. By the way I hope I’m not posting so frequently that I sound manipulative. I usually only post once or twice a month on a game.

I will be looking forward to the Halloween update.

Haha, no it's alright! Commenting a bunch is fine, don't worry.

It will just be a single update in January (with no update in December), although because I'll be taking a month off and also because I'll have more time to work on the game thanks to the support on Patreon, updates from then on may be a bit more substantial.

I'm not quite sure what you're referring to with the Winners Bar update, but for now the only things I have in mind for changes to the bar are adding more rewards and changing what some of the quests are.

(1 edit)

So for the Transformation update, will you be able to choose at the beginning of the game, and if so how will that work for players who have been playing for a decent while  such as myself and will there be a set of options that extends as you interact with other players, and will that affect how you look in the mirror ( if visuals are included later on ingame). Also for the Halloween update should a screenshot be required for proof that items were lost should an incident occur with the save file somehow? Speaking of losing items I noticed that in the Curse of Nothingness, I lost my Green Enchanting Stone, even though I hadn’t used it.

I remember you saying 

  • Meet the person who teaches you skills at the pier, and also meet the person who owns Winner's bar.

Which is what I was referring to by the Winners Bar Update.

Oh, right! For the person that runs the bar you can talk to them whenever you're there, you don't have to do anything special to meet them.

For the transformation update, you'll be able to set species options at the same time you would usually input your name. I'll also let you change those options when you upload an older time machine save. And yeah, the species options should change some of the interactions with characters as well as the mirror descriptions.

For the Halloween update I don't think you'll have to worry about losing items, since any items you get aren't particularly important outside of the halloween update.  As for losing the green stone, I'm not sure what to do about that other than try to replicate that and try to fix whatever bug happened.


Absolutely love the game so far! Excellent writing, tons to unlock and very engaging.


Aw, thank you!

Is there like a tutorial on how to unlock sex scenes with strong enemies like Cobra and Vampire? I drank the Werewolf blood and let the vampire suck my blood as much as he can but he kept wanting more, and i was pretty strong too so idk and i stun cobra then use his strength spell to make him gigantic but they still attack me and I can't unlock the (happy ending is the right word there ig lol) how do i make them not attack me but have sex instead?


For the Cobra, you just need to use the Love Spell on him and you'll get his sex scene.

The bat is more complicated. At night you can find the bat and the shark at the pier's bulletin board. If at least one of them is interested in you, then you can fuck them. For them to be interested in you, you either need to flirt with and then apologize to the shark, or talk to the bat about something he's interested in and then once he's bigger ask to do something other than fight. 

After you do the scene with both the bat and the shark, you can get more scenes with them by basically repeating the same thing that makes them interested in you


this game is great, can't wait for the pirate scenes!




When is the new update scheduled, and will the Halloween event be early or late October.


The next update is coming in less than a day, actually. And the Halloween event will start about a week into October


Good game. I love the concept. it kind of broke after playing for a while.


Hey, thanks! And yeah, there should be a fix to infinite stats coming within the next couple of updates.

How can I get the pirate scene?

Sorry, you can't just yet! I still have to make that. It's on this list of upcoming updates though:

(9 edits)

I like the mechanics you’ve added. However wouldn’t a focus stone need a focus spell as a counterpart logicwise?

Also I think it might help to make the max amount of curses 3 due to some being counterparts of others in one way or another aswell as after that having more curses be obtained needs to be purchased somehow (<——— srry for bad grammar right there.) Seeing as for players who have a lot of money and don’t know what to do with it maybe add an auction house with temporary items of the month (Once you buy them they stay in your inventory permanently).

One thing to note is that there’s no items (consumable/usable) besides Libido Suppresant and Libido Suppresant extreme that lower arousal. So maybe that is something to add. 


Will there be updates for Halloween and Easter (Spoiler alert below of item mention)


The D&D — will it have somesort of minigame to go along with it to show that you know your magic before the Wizard gives you the book if he does and before that if so I should think that the player find a group to play it w/ and on loss maybe it says something like 

“Sorry (Player Name Here) it just doesn’t seem like your ready, hey go back to the magic shop and I’ll teach you a new spell (Stamina Spell), it’ll help you to beat the Wizard at his own game…”

After stamina spell

“Ah your back from your trip to the magic shop, ready for another go?”

i.e stamina spell might give you an extra turn; love spell (stuns opponent for one or two turns #number is random.)

Btw what happened to the Wario Pill?; I never used it. You don’t have to give it back me as you already to too much forward to us. I will be looking forward to updates. Also nowadays it’s harder to find somewhat “tame” games like this one, you deserve more attention. 

Also will there be an instruction for Halloween event when it comes out on how to get stuff?


Hey! Thanks for the suggestions, I have them written down.

I was thinking of at some point having a thing where you play D&D with some of the characters. I'm not going to start working on that for a while though so I haven't put much thought into it yet. But knowing certain spells affecting that would be interesting. 

And there is going to be a Halloween update coming this October! I might do special events for other holidays at some point, but I don't have any plans for that yet.

(1 edit)

(I'm sorry for being here again but) Can I not interact with the Bat and Shark at the Pier Buletin Board after a certain amount of time?


If there's no option to talk to them at all, then that's a bug, but I think it might fix itself if you try again on another day.

Also an idea i just got, it'd be nice that if you got too big for the kobold to sub you, if you use the give strength spell enough for the kobold to be your size he could be like "shit you're actually not an asshole" and then gay insues

Or instead, when he gets all mad you can try and apologize and if he is bigger than you or close to it, he can accept the apology and then gay ensues


Yeah, I can maybe do that at some point

I think I might have gotten an idea about the problem? could it be that the scene isn't repeatable? Like you can only do the scene once


No, I think it should be repeatable. The only thing is if you fuck the shark too hard, they don't show up that night.

Deleted post

Yeah, haha, you won the game. Hopefully In a couple updates I'll make it so the game doesn't break when the numbers get too huge.

Deleted post

I'd like to know if there is a way to check out what changed in past updates and how to get them without becoming a Patreon? It'd be lovely if you could tell me, but no worries if it's impossible or too much of a hassle later down the road.


Going from 0.7.2 to 0.8 there's:

  • A new item you get when exploring that makes it so you always start a battle with at least 5 energy
  • If you go to the Dorstore while you have a mushroom and you can meet the Turtle Alchemist and he'll invite you to his lab at the pier
  • You can give mushrooms to him to get access to 5 new potions and if you give him enough mushrooms you can eventually battle him

Oh, thank you, but I was asking what changed from 0.5 to 0.6, 0.2 to 0.3, and so on.

Ah, then I guess you can check

I don't have a lot of the earlier updates marked but the labels should say what update they were from.

Thank you so much and sorry for the inconvenience.

No problem!

Is it possible to beat the cobra warlock in combat?

It's hard, but if you have low enough fat and high enough muscle you can do it. At some point I want to make it so the rock potion prevents him from poisoning you - it should be a lot easier then.

(1 edit)

can you add a way to get transfer points without fighting

There's an item called the TransTech Donor Card that can do that. You can either find it at Winner's or at the Dorstore


Works on mobile too or is Just for pc?

For now, just pc. I mean it might work on mobile but you'll probably run into issues since I haven't really worked on that yet

Hey, I wanted to know, is there some scenes with the enemies in the dark forest ? I'm just upping the knight, and gave the object to the ww, but nothing happen, so I was wondering x)

  Fun game btw, sad the images are cropped :p

Right now, there are scenes with the kobold mage, the bat, and the shark

For the kobold you need to compliment his muscles while you are small and his picture is at least at the second stage. You can also get more stuff with him if you wear the Wizard Hat that you can get from the cobra.

You can find the bat and the shark at the pier's bulletin board at night. To get the scene with them at least one of them has to be interested in you. To do that you can either flirt with the shark in battle and then apologize, or you can talk to the bat about something he's interested in and when he's at stage 3 tell him you don't want to fight him.

After you do that you can get scenes with them individually by repeating the things that make them interested in you.

Thanks a lot, I didn't even know there was a bat x) I'll try that !


I think I became the boss lol

Deleted 2 years ago

Thanks, glad you liked it!

Maybe at some point I can put caps on some of the stats so that they don't get to infinity, but for now I'm not super worried about it. I mostly just think it's funny when people go so far that things start to break.

How much hunger do I need to beat the dragon on the food eating competition? Are there any scenes with him yet?

You need at least 800 Hunger, and there is a scene with him, but it is only available in the VIP version of the game for now.

Ah, gotcha. How much time before it goes public, then?

There's going to be a second part to the dragon scene. The first part won't be public at least until then. I'm not sure when that will be though, it depends on when I have time to write it.

how do you use the xp potion?

You can use it when battling the Forest Knight

I tried loading a save from last week using both the time machine and the load option on the "saves" button but both of them don't work. When I use the time machine it says that it's an invalid file but when I try to use the load option it says that its from a wrong game or something. 

Yeah, the regular save feature won't work between different versions. The time machine should work though. I'm able to use it to load saves between any version but sometimes it doesn't work for other people. I'm not sure why. 

Maybe if you send me the save file you made I can try to figure out what the issue is. You can send it to if that works for you.

(1 edit)

Which engine do you use to run the game and what are the programming languages involved, I would like to know to make sure it's not interferring with a personal project of mine. (I have issues with RenPy sometimes).

Also I noticed a glitch with time machine where if you have all the spells it and you load it, it will not load the fat concealing ring. This could be an issue with the underpass in the longrun if you selected curse of corpulence while in the underpass and tried to load.

Edit: Sorry for double negative in grammar, love the game so far but just one suggestion being that you could give the Pile of Clothes to the Werewolf after givng Him the Moon thing (srry cant remember exact name of it) and then have a triple branch option where you could cheat on the Bat or Shark and un-equip the Fat concealing ring after you went to underpass to get Curse of Corpulence, so that way whence you came back he wouldn't like you because: A:: you cheated on him losing his trust or B: Simply because you're to fat and only likes strong guys so you use the Love Spell to make him fall in love with you again allowing you to fix the mistake of unequipting Fat Concealing Ring and go back to route A.

If you have any questions about my suggestion I'll try and anwser.



The game is made with Twine and uses html, css, and javascript.

I'll look into the issue with the fat concealing ring. Thanks for telling me!

And thanks for the suggestions. I have some more stuff with the wolf coming eventually so I'll consider you giving him the clothing as an option. I'm not sure the stuff with the Bat and Shark could really work though. Neither of them have a particular body type preference. Also the Love Spell doesn't actually do what it says it does (I'll probably end up showing what it's actually for later). But I will consider having people react to seeing you before and after you put on the concealing rings.

About the Underpass, will those curses ever be implemented besides being just a game mechanic. Also it might help to add Lust and Stamina spells aswell as having some leveling system and being able to go into the Castle of Evil and have a boss fight, because the way I see it, the Bat, and the Wizard seem to be manipulated from what you can infer based what they say so there has to be an endgame for that but not one that ends the game altogether. I noticed that there’s a scene in the very beginning of the game where if you go to the Bullitin Board there’s an option to talk to someone(I forgot who the two were in the game despite it being so early) is that going to have a route aswell? 


Hm, yeah a stamina spell might be a really good idea actually.  And yup there will be a sort of final boss and there will be stuff involving the person you see at the bulletin board eventually.

Will the person you see at the start of the game (routewise) have some sort of a backdoor for older players to be able to talk so reset is not necessary?

Do you mean the statue through the purple door? If so, there is a way to get back in there

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The items you get should be showing up in your closet at home. And the purple door closes after 3 days. Inside is a way to change the amount that your fat/muscle stats increase your height/dick stats. 

There is a way to get back inside after it closes though. It involves using a book that you get from visiting the temple at night.

I think I found halfway, what do I do after I see the message in the computer?

If you fail one of the pacts at the temple then you should be able to finish

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Im lovin it so far, also how do you make the forest knight happy?/ his scene

Thanks! There is no forest knight scene yet, but there will be eventually. For now you can only win the battle by intimidating him and then telling him to give up.

awh... Hoping you can give him a motivating hug or something in the future

do the pills at the pill emporium ever restock?

Only from the event when exploring where you help them load a truck.

Deleted 333 days ago

It's only once

for some reason i don't seem to be getting any more tokens from fights. any reason that may be?

You only get tokens the first time you beat an enemy. In order to farm tokens, you need a TransTech donor card that you can find at Winner's bar.


curse idea: curse of refuge.

you've been on the run for a while. you've finally managed to find somewhere to settle down. you know you can't pass the background check to rent a home, or get a job.

so here you are, broke, hungry, with a bounty on your back, and living out in a camp in the woods.

at least you don't have to pay rent.

Preferably, I'd want some kind of new growth mechanic tied to any new curses.

fair enough. do you plan to add more curses?

I do, but probably not for a while. Before I add new curses I want to make changes to the ones I already have. For example, I want to make it so that if you pick the curse of competition, you can choose to make it so losing a competition only ever makes you lose muscle rather than it making you gain fat.

hey i beat both the bat and warlock but can't seem to go further. is there another way to go further or is that it for content?


Nope, That's it for now!

i have reached the point where the barbell set becomes ineffective. is there a larger weight i can find?

There's a gym and a junkyard that have more weights. If you are big enough, you can check the messages on the computer to find them.

Really fun stuff! Love the art and the writing. 

For some personal feedback, I was hoping there would've been more changes to the dialogue/locales to reflect how tall you grow-- since you can get pretty huge and all.

I was also a bit disappointed that your minimal height is ~3 feet, i was kinda hoping to try and become a hyper micro by stocking up on pills and mushrooms lol

Otherwise, very promising! Looking forward to following the development! <3


Hey, thanks a lot! And more dialogue changes and locations will eventually be worked on. I'll also consider lowering the minimum height.

(1 edit)

Could you add the measurements “Stone” and “Yards” and in the mirror aswell as possibly add “Gallons” aswell? I feel like it would improve the detail seeing this is a visual novel.

Edit: Also is there a way you could make the quests randomly generated based off what curse you choose, bc it seems like after the first 30 days your chance to finish XP Potion quest is kinda over if you selected Curse of Corpulence. 

Sure, I can do that.

Its a very fun game and has a lot of potential, wish there were more curses tho, will be fun to see what it develops into :)

Thanks! And there's definitely lots more to come

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